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Yarinacocha Lake is located 7 km northeast of Pucallpa in the Amazonian Basin area. Once Lake Yarinacoacha, one of the most famous sights in Peru, connected with the Ucayali River, but over time the arid climate and soil characteristics caused the two reservoirs to separate. As a matter of fact, Lake Yarinacoacha is an old man of the Ucayali River and is a 22 km water surface with excellent fishing and unique surrounding beauties.

Now Yarinacoacha attracts travelers and locals, and one of the reasons for this is how striking is the contrast between the quiet and the peaceful beauty of the lagoon and the neighboring gaseous, car-filled concrete town of Pucallpa. Pukalpa, the center of the woodworking industry in the region and the last port suitable for seagoing ships on the Amazon, is expanding faster, forcing beautiful forests to retreat before the power of the urban jungle.

Lake Yarinacocha is the oldest of the Ucayali River with 22 km of water with excellent fishing and unique surroundings beauties

The main harbor of Lake Yarinacoča is the village of Puerto Callao, filled with bars, restaurants and inexpensive hotels. For those who seek peace and quiet, it is recommended to stop right at the lake, where civilization does not reach. Moreover, it is possible to rent boats in Puerto-Callao and see villages of Shipibo Indians

There are sloths, many kinds of wonderful birds, iguanas on the territory of Yarinaco, and even pink and gray river (freshwater) dolphins in the lake.

Tourist sites in the vicinity of Lake Yarinacoča

As for the surrounding attractions, among them stands the Botanico Chullachaqui Botanical Gardens (Jardin Etno-Botanico Chullachaqui), which is located 9 km from Puerto Callao. Going on a tour of the garden, you will make the path on the boat, and then walk, getting a wonderful opportunity to admire the fauna of the local places.

Lake Yarinacocha

There will be something for travelers interested in the history and culture of the Aborigines. One of the Indian tribes of these places is called shipibo and is famous for its musicality and works of the so-called. "Naive" art. Ceramic products made by the Shibibo Indians can be purchased at the Marotishobo shop located in Puerto Callao

For those who wish, excursions are organized to San Francisco and Santa Clara settlements, where the Shipibo Indians live. An experienced guide will go there with you and tell interesting facts about this tribe, in which matriarchy rules. You can even stop at night in one of the tall local huts covered with straw.

Often travelers who come to San Francisco for one day to get acquainted with local life suddenly decide to stay there for a week.

Despite the fact that the local San Francisco is just a small local village, connected with the surrounding world by the road and lake, there is in this place its own special charm. In San Francisco, you can visit a small market where artisans sell their goods. In the village there is also a shaman who holds ayahuasaka ceremony for tourists.

The neighboring village of Santa Clara can only be reached by water, it is more secluded and therefore more traditional.

How to get there

The path to the Yarinacoach lake is from the nearest city of Pucallpa, where you can fly by national airline Peru from different cities of the country. From Lima there is a regular bus, the journey takes about 18 hours. Also there are options for traveling on water. The road from Pukalpa to Lake Yarinacoach takes 20 minutes, it can be reached by motor-rickshaw.