Add a review about Pakaya Samiria Nature Reserve

Pakaya Samiria Nature Reserve captures the territory of several provinces of Peru - Loreto, Recena, Ucayali and Alto Amazonas. This is the largest reserve not only in the country, but also in South America. Its area is 20 thousand square meters. km.

There are three rivers here: Pakaya, Samiriya, Janayaku-Pukate. They are accompanied by numerous rivers, lakes and marshes. It's almost impossible to find out their exact number.

Reserve Pakaya Samiria

Due to the peculiar climate in the reserve, a variety of animals and birds can live. Here, under protection are the tortoise, the spider monkey, the giant river otter, the red macao.

Locals call the jungle "Pakaya Samiria" a mirror. The fact is that in the lakes and rivers of the reserve the sky and plants are clearly displayed.