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150 km northeast of the Peruvian capital Lima, in the valley of the river Supe, are the ruins of the city of Karal. This city (or rather, what is left of it) is attributed to the civilization of North-Chico and is considered the most ancient of American cities - more precisely, the most ancient civilization of all America and, it is possible, that of the whole world. In 2009, the ruins of the Karal were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Under the assumptions of archaeologists, Karala was founded approximately between 2600 and 2000 . to . e ., and inhabited it more than 3 thousand . person . The city was located on a deserted ledge above the river valley . Now there are only ruins left of the Karal, but what! Its ruins are an impressive complex of various buildings, including six giant pyramids, several small pyramids, palaces, squares, amphitheater ruins and buildings that once served as apartment houses . Their research looks like a study of a mysterious world, another civilization . On the territory Karal can be found a lot of noteworthy buildings, among which the Pyramid Mayor stands prominently, towering 18 meters above a giant platform that would accommodate several stadiums .

Discovering the ruins of the ancient Caral in the middle In the 20th century, the entire history of America was questioned: Karal is more than 1000 years older than the Inca city, Machu Picchu.

It is believed that the city of Karal was a prototype of the new cities of Andean civilizations erected after it. Moreover, experts argue that the city's residents traded even with the tribes of the Amazon. This civilization flourished at about the same time as Egypt grew when the famous pyramids were erected there

Carala ruins

Officially, Karal was discovered in 1949 by American traveler Paul Kosok and archaeologist Richard Schädel. In the following years, many well-known scientists, archeologists, architects and historians worked there, who made a significant contribution to the research of this ancient civilization. The most important discoveries were made by the Peruvian archaeologist Ruth Shady, who claims that the center of ancient civilization was located in the Karale.

The discovery of the ruins of the ancient Karal in the middle of the 20th century cast doubt on the whole history of America: Karal is more than 1000 years older than the city of the Incas, Machu- Pikchu . In the Karal huge structures were erected hundreds of years before the famous drainage systems of the Harappan civilization and the Egyptian pyramids! However, to prove all these theoretical assumptions was not so easy . Only in 2001 . the discovery of Ruth Shady was published in the journal "Nauka" . Despite the evidence given, quite a lot of scientists still do not believe, that Karal was once the center of the world's oldest civilization .

The ruins of the Karal are such an amazing sight that many people believed that the aliens built huge pyramids standing in the desert along the ranges of the Andes. Nevertheless, numerous archaeological finds confirm that all this was created by human hands.

No weapons or protective structures were found on the excavation site, but musical instruments were discovered here, among them flutes from bird bones and horns from deer bones and lamas; wicker baskets and much more

How to get there

There are several ways that you can get to Karal. It is most convenient to go by bus from Lima (Terminal de Buses Norte) to Barranca: travel time 3, 5 hours (distance is about 200 km), fare - 15 PEN. By public transport, collectivo, which runs on Sundays and departs from the intersection of Jr Arequipa and Berenice Dávila, you can reach the Caral bridge stop. Travel time - 1 hour, fare - 8 PEN. On the bridge visitors are met by a guide who will indicate the direction to the ticket office.

The ruins of the Karal are open to visitors every day from 9:00 to 16:00. Ticket price is 11 PEN. For children under 5 years old, school groups and pensioners, the price is reduced to 1 PEN.