The unique archaeological complex of the Tukume pyramids, formed from 26 pyramids, whose height reaches 40 meters, is located on the north coast, 33 km north of Chiclayo. The pyramids, or to be more precise, the "Uyakas" temple, are constructed of clay bricks and are placed in strict order on the territory of a vast area. Once these amazing structures arose as pillars of the cultural center of Lambayeque. Each building is unique due to its age, warehouses, patios, rooms and corridors are attached to them.

The most striking and striking pyramid is Huaka Larga, striking in its length of 700 meters. In addition to the pyramids, the local museum, decorated in the style of ancient buildings, will please. A stroll is also on the territory of the Bosque de Pomac Sanctuary in the town of Ferenjaf, 35 km southeast of Chiclayo. Here you can still find the most valuable withering forests with unique vegetation. In addition, the archaeological site of Batan Grande is known for the fact that the grave of the leader Sikan was found nearby.

How to get there

It is best to choose air ways of moving. From Lima, you will reach the valley in 50 minutes, and from Trujillo in just 15 minutes

If you are a supporter of land transport, you can get by bus on the Pan-American highway from Lima for 10 hours (775 km), from Trujillo in 3 hours (210 km ). From Chiclayo there is regular public transport to Tucume and to Lambayeque. You can order a tourist bus for various excursions, but it is more expensive.

Pyramids of Tukume
 Stone Pyramids, Tukume, Peru  Tukume
Stone Pyramids, Tukume
 Results of excavations, Tukuma, Peru  Tukume
Excavation results, Tukume
 Tukume, Peru  Tukume