Beskydy is the northern part of the Carpathians, located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. The length of the Beskydy is about 300 km. These mountains are certainly not as high as the Alps (the highest point of the Beskydy Mount Baba Góra is 1725 m), but the picturesque landscapes, the number of ski resorts and the development of infrastructure are clearly not inferior to the latter. The most popular resorts of the region are Krynica Zdrój (Beskid Sądecki mountain system), Shchyrk and Vistula (Beskid Шląski mountain system).

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The temperate climate of Poland in the mountains approaches the indicators of the European part of Russia. However, in the summer in Beskydy the temperature rarely rises above +10 ° C. Winters are mild: the average January temperatures range from -1 to -5 ° C (sometimes to -8 ° C). This area is famous for the abundance of snow and the quality of the snow cover: if the average for Poland, the amount of precipitation is about 500-800 mm per year, then in the mountains it is over 1000 mm in places. Natural conditions Beskydy, as well as processing slopes with snow cannons allow you to ski on skis from December to April.

Nature of Beskydy

Before arriving in Beskydy, tourists can see their domed ridges, which are separated by picturesque valleys of rivers and intermontane basins .The ridges have gentle slopes and rounded peaks, which is extremely convenient for mountain sports .The slopes of the mountains are covered with beech and spruce-fir forests, and on the treeless peaks there are the Poloninas - local "alpine meadows" .Numerous sources of mineral water and healing air, saturated with pine needles and essential oils, make this place ideal not only for ski holidays, but also for spa treatment .

Ski resorts

The main profile for this region, however, is skiing. The Polish part of the Beskydy is divided into three parts: Beskid Sondecki - the easternmost mountains of medium altitude; Beskid Жиywiecki - the central mountain group with the highest peaks; Beskid Shlensky is the westernmost part of the Carpathian mountain arc, relatively low. In each of these parts there are ski resorts.

Resorts Beskid Sondacki

The two main mountain ranges of this chain are the massifs of Jaworzyn Krynicka (1114 m) and Radzieva (1262 m). They are separated by the beautiful valley of the Poprad River - here is the Poprad National Park.

In addition to the indicated resort Krynica Zdroj, in Beskid Sondacki are popular:

  • Jaworzyna. The complex is located on the eastern slopes of Jaworzyna Krynicka, between the peak and the valley of the Czarny Potok River at 648 m. Its advantages: guaranteed snow on almost all slopes, routes of various categories, convenient access. At the lower station there is a bar, a sports shop, hire and equipment service. At the upper station there is a bar with a terrace, hire, equipment service and a ski school.
  • Slot. The complex is located on the northern slopes of Mount Krzyzowa (820 m) and is very popular with family ski lovers. There is an artificial snow cover (if the air temperature is not above +8 ° C), routes of varying degrees of complexity and developed infrastructure.
  • Wierchoml. The ski center is located to the southeast of the town of Pivnichna Zdrój. It has modern lifts and slopes of different levels of complexity in the altitude range of 600-1000 m. There is a convenient unified system of magnetic passes to the ski lifts at the resort.
  • Dry Valley is another center in the vicinity of Pivnichnaya Zdrój, this time to the west of the city. It is one of the largest in this area ski centers. The winter here is colder than the average in the Beskids, from +3 to -15 ° C, so the snow on the slopes is kept here from November to March.
There are also two small lifts on the territory that do not have queues.
  • Tylish. Quiet ancient town is located at the foot of the mountains Lan and Shvartsova (795 m), next to the resort Krynica Zdrój, from where Tylich buses go. In Tylich there are more than 20 lifts, the resort has many routes of varying complexity and configuration.
The beautiful land of Beskydy

Resorts Beskid вецywiecki

  • Zvardon. The village is located at an altitude of 690 m in a mountain valley between four mountain ranges - an average height of 900-1000 m. The microclimate of the surroundings and the position of the slopes contribute to the fact that you can ride on a 1500-meter slope at the top of Djuzhy Rahovets even in May. Now on the slopes of all four arrays there are more than 15 lifts.
  • The zavoya is considered to be the longest Polish village, stretching for 12 km along the river between the mountain range and two ridges. There are more than 4, 7 km of prepared ski slopes of different levels of complexity. To slopes in Zavo convenient access from the regional highway.
  • Korbeluw - an average size town on the Glynna River at the foot of Pilska, the second highest mountain massif. In the region of Pil'sk, the best conditions in Beskydy for skiing and snowboarding. Snow on the top appears already in the first half of November and lies until March (in some places until May). There are 9 lifts of the Ski Center and 5 private lifts.

Ski Center lifts are recommended for experienced athletes, private ones are for beginners.

Resorts Beskid Schlensky

The two main mountain-skiing centers of the region are already mentioned Shchyrk and Vistula. But if there is only one ski center in Shchyrk, there are plenty of them in the Vistula: Tsenkow, Stojek, Ustron and others - everyone will find a place to their liking and afford. Photo Beskydy (17)