Jastarnia is a small "exclusive" resort on the peninsula of Hel, with luxurious beaches and unique nature .The peninsula itself is a sandy spit 35 km long, and its width in some places does not exceed 200 m .It is noteworthy for its geological "youth" - as far back as the 17th century several small islands with fishing settlements were located in its place .Later the coastal current brought here a lot of sand, the islands merged into one long peninsula, and the fishing villages - to the city .During the socialist period, many closed military facilities and cottages of party functionaries were located here, perhaps because of this the nature here remained virtually untouched by the beginning of the 21st century .

This place can be advised lovers of a relaxing holiday, inveterate fishermen and fans of windsurfing.
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How to get here

By plane you can fly to the nearest airport - it's in Gdansk, 69 km. From Gdansk, buses, trains and ferries run to Yastarnu. If you go by car from Gdansk or Szczecin, you should first move in the direction of Reda along the E-28 highway, then towards Wladyslawow on the 126th highway, and from Wladyslawow by the only road along the peninsula.

By the city itself and the surrounding area you can walk or ride a rented bike or scooter. If you do not leave the peninsula (and a minimum of 20 square km is a very impressive walking zone), it is impossible to get lost.

Search for air tickets to Gdansk (nearest a / p to Yastarnyu)

The climate of Jastarni

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +1@@+2 +5 +10 +15 +19 +21 +21 +16 +12 +6 +2
at night-3 -3 +0 +2 +7 +11 +13 +13 +9 +5 +1@@-1
water+4 +5 +6 +8 +13 +15 +17 +17 +14 +14 +8 +6

Despite the large number of beaches that are beautiful in terms of their natural properties and infrastructure, Jastarnia is an ordinary Baltic city with a mild climate, high humidity and unpredictable weather, therefore it is not worth choosing it exclusively as a beach holiday.

Yastarni Beach

Sanatoriums and hotels in Yastarni

Like the whole coast of Poland, Jastarnia is known more as a medical spa, although the profile of its health resorts is more general and preventive. It is believed that the clean air of these places has medicinal properties. You can enjoy this clean air and local beauties, staying in one of the many sanatorium-type hotels or boarding houses. The most modern of them is the 4-star SPA-Dom Zdrojowy health resort, it was built right on the seashore and opened in 2005.

Spa-Dom Zdrojowy has luxury rooms and apartments, the latest medical and sanitary equipment, an indoor swimming pool, a jacuzzi, saunas, a gym, a beauty and rehabilitation center.

Other interesting accommodation options are the new Pod Orlem hotel, the Bliza hotel, the Aga and Orka villas, 250 meters from the sea there is the modern Exploris recreation center, and in the heart of the resort, 300 meters from the beach - the Pension Perla Baltyku. All these are "exclusive" hotels with high level of service and high prices. If you are interested in budget options, then this is Posejdon, Warka, Neptun, Stella Maris and others.

Book popular Jastarnie hotels at the best prices

Dom Zdrojowy Hotel SPA from 6 563 rubles Jastarnia Kościuszki 2A
Hotel Jastarnia from 2 543 rubles Jastarnia Portowa 35
Pensjonat & Restauracja Admirał from 2 991 rubles Jastarnia ul. Ks. W. Kossak-Główczewskiego 21


As already mentioned above, Jastarnia is famous for its beaches and bays, which are well suited for windsurfing. Beginners windsurfers will enjoy the Puckaya bay - here it is rather shallow, so the water warms up quickly, and the southern winds are constantly blowing. There is also a windsurfing school in the city.

There are also several volleyball fields, but in general the active development of sport in Yastarn will begin in the near future: it is planned to build a swimming pool, a professional base for a windsurfing school, a tennis court and a pier overlooking Puck Bay.

Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Jastarni

In the city itself there are few sights, one of them worth noting is the chapel dedicated to Saint Rosalia, which was set by grateful residents in 1833 as a token of gratitude to the saint - it was believed that it was she who protected the city from the plague of 1707-11. Yesterday, in the chapel, I saw a bell found on the site of a shipwreck near the peninsula, but now it was removed, as local children often called it for fun, rather than frightened the villagers.

Outskirts of Jastarni - the town of Hel

A little further from Jastarni, on the eastern tip of the peninsula is the town of Hel, where the old fishing huts are still preserved .There you can visit the port, see the old lighthouse, visit the Baltic Gray Seal Cattery and the Fisheries Museum .The Fisheries Museum is a unique 19th century building, assembled from the remains of ships that crashed in the district - it was a normal practice for that time .The oldest exhibits in the Fisherman's House (the so-called museum) date back to the 15th century .Here you can see the traditional equipment of fishermen (nets, lanterns, hooks and others), as well as tools and goods caught by fishermen of Yastarni at the site of shipwrecks .The most interesting exhibit is a device for catching gulls and crows .In the museum you can also see spinning wheels for cord, nets and wool, axes-ice axes, "wave calms", baskets for fish transportation, a bench for grasping wooden shoes, propellers of wrecks and many other things .