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There is a castle in Kournik that attracts a lot of tourists. It was built in the 15th century, but today's appearance of the English Neo-Gothic style was received only in the first half of the 19th century. In the castle there is a library with 320 thousand volumes, a museum with collections of furniture, sculptures, paintings, military equipment, porcelain and fabrics.

The fortress is surrounded by a large park, built in the 18th century. - one of the largest dendrological parks in Poland.

From the history of the castle

Kurnitsky Castle dates back to the Middle Ages, when the owners of Kurnik were Gurki - the famous family of the Great Polish magnates . The stone residence of Mikolaj Gurka, built on wooden stilts, was completed at about 1430 g . It consisted of two parallel wings, a tower in the northeast corner, an entrance gate on the south side and a wooden lifting bridge leading to it . The last of the Gurkov family, Stanislav, expanded the castle, on the north side of the new wing . In this renovated residence, he received Henry Valois, who was in a hurry in 1574 . for the coronation in Krakow .

The last reconstruction of the castle was carried out in the first half of the 19th century. Its initiator was the owner of the castle - Titus Dzyalinsky, a famous patriot who participated in the national uprising of 1830 - 1831.

In the renovated castle, Titus Dzyalinsky founded a family residence and placed in it an excellent library full of old printed books, maps and manuscripts that he collected for many years, as well as a collection of national symbols.

Last owner of the castle Vladislav Zamoisky in 1924 together with all the real estate in the premises, gave Kournik to the Polish people

Museum "Castle in Kournik"

Museum "Castle VC urnike "- a wonderful place. Its halls are full of a huge number of paintings and sculptures, furniture sets and weapons collections, military trophies and ethnographic items, ancient books and archaeological finds.

The first museum hall is the apartment of Vladislav Zamoysky. After Zamoysky's death, a small wooden altar was installed in the room and the apartments served as a castle chapel. The only original piece of furniture left from those times is the mahogany desk in the style of "Empire."

An interesting fact - the table served as the bed for the last owner of Kournik, since Zamoysky had sworn in his youth on a hard surface if he waited for independence Poland. As you know, November 11, 1918, Rzeczpospolita got rid of the occupation regime and Zamoysky had to fulfill his pledge.

The largest and most famous hall of the Kurnitsky castle is Mauritanian. It consists of three combined rooms of the Quadrilateral Tower. Here is a unique collection of weapons, knight armor, decorative utensils and porcelain, jewelry and sacral objects collected by Zamoysky and his predecessors from almost all over the world.

Other interesting museum halls are Dining Room, Hunting Corner, Black Hall, chambers of Maria Zamoyskaya (sister Vladislav) The Big Salon and Small Thessaloniki

To see the whole museum, one day will not be enough. Add to this a unique arboretum (tree nursery) near the castle - and you can literally lose yourself in time.

Near the castle gate there is a small cozy restaurant that will delight with a cup of "fussy herbat" (delicious tea) and honey cakes - "pernikov".

Casting the castle

There are, of course, ghosts in the castle. Yes, not some primitive ghosts, but a proud White Lady, whose portrait hangs in the dining room. Theophile Dzialinskaya still had a special disposition towards her subjects during her lifetime. The locals continually discussed her numerous adultery adulteries, which she was rumored to lead with a living husband.

Theophilus's ghost is quite friendly. White Lady does not rattle chains, does not groan, does not make horrible laughter. Even on the contrary - it is her castle in Kournik that is due to such an ideal state.

Kurnik Castle

Useful information

You can get to the castle every day from 10:00 to 16:00.

You can get to the castle by buses , which depart from the bus station of Poznan, the journey time is 20 minutes

Address: Kornik, Zamkowa, 5, tel .: +48 (61) 817-00-81.