5 The tourist drove half a Europe

An avid bicyclist, Baptiste Dubanche, set off on his bike ride from Paris to Warsaw, without taking any food with him. The Frenchman deliberately ate exclusively what he found in the garbage boxes. Thus he traveled about 3 thousand km.

By his act, Dubansh protested against how much food the Europeans throw out. "I did not pay for food. The only thing that I bought on the road is water, "says the 25-year-old Frenchman.

Baptiste left Paris on April 15 and drove through Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the Czech Republic. The cyclist made stops in Dusseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt, Nuremberg and Berlin, where he lived free of charge with the help of couchsurfing. The Frenchman reached Warsaw two weeks after leaving the house.

According to the traveler, he found ejected food in 9 out of 10 garbage baskets. The easiest way to find usable food was in Berlin's garbage cans. The most difficult thing is in Düsseldorf.

The idea of ​​such action came to the Frenchman's mind after he visited Colombia, Tahiti and countries of Southeast Asia. Batiste says he saw how modestly people live there, and he felt ashamed.

"I felt rich in poor countries. I was sad that people there are so poor, - says Batiste. "These people have no choice, they are doomed to be poor. That's why I decided to do something to show how much food we throw out. "

July 29, 2014
Comment on the news

do not be ashamed July 29, 2014

I think that instead of feeling shame, instead of feeling ashamed, you should be proud and be thankful that you live in a rich country and you do not have to think about how to satisfy such basic needs as food and water.

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