Add a review about Curral Dash Freireş

On the relict island of Madeira, where dinosaurs and prehistoric giant lizards would look very appropriate, in one of the eerie wilderness, where it was almost impossible to reach a few years ago, one small village - Curral Dash- Freyrash (Curral das Freiras) . It would seem that those 19 km that separates the capital of Madeira Funchal and this settlement can be easily overcome even by bicycle: but it is not so . Curral das Freire is surrounded by the mountain peaks of Aireu and Ruivo, houses of local residents literally slip into the Inuit, barely clinging to the foundation for the rock, and landscapes that open from specially equipped observation platforms, demolish the roof, circling the head and spiraling into the goitre . Naturally .

The history of the village origins is extremely interesting: Curral das Freiras, that translated as "a refuge for nuns," appeared on the map of Madeira in the distant 1566, when the island was attacked by desperate pirate thugs. The nuns of the monastery of Santa Clara, who fled to this hidden valley from the prying eyes, founded here a community, which, alas, has not survived to our days. What can not be said about the village: 1,700 residents still trample the local steep streets, bake bread from chestnuts and treat all tourists with liqueurs of passion fruit and eucalyptus ..

By the way, the best time to visit Curral Dash-Freyasha is Sunday morning, when local farmers spread their fragrant goods around the local church
The history of the village is very interesting: Curral das Freiras, which translates as "a refuge of nuns", appeared on the map of Madeira in the distant 1566, when the island was attacked by desperate pirate thugs .

Until 1959, it was possible to get to the village in only two rather desperate ways: along a narrow and dangerous zigzag road that leads through a pass over 1000 m high; or on the mountain river, whose waters are boiling, and the surrounding cliffs threaten to throw on the traveler boulder-another. As you might guess, the second method was almost never used in everyday life.

Fortunately, today it is incomparably easier to get to Curral Dash-Freyash: thanks to the authorities, there was a comfortable tunnel for a car with a length of 2.5 km. But the old pass was adapted to the viewing platform.

But to start an exciting adventure to the "refuge of nuns" is better from the town of Eira do Cerrado, whose viewing platform, at an altitude of about 1000 m, opens, perhaps, the best views of the amazing gorge. Well, then the way of tourists lies down, directly to the village itself. In order to marvel at the way people descended and climbed in such a hole in ancient times, in order to keep in touch with the capital of Madeira.

The way to Curral Dash-Freyrash


Address: Curral Das Freiras, Madeira .

How to get there: there are three excellent options to visit this amazing place . First, by buying a half-day sightseeing tour from Funchal (costs 40-60 EUR) . Secondly, on a rented car on the EN route 107 (about 20 km in transit) . And, finally, the most extreme and romantic way - by public transport . From the capital of Madeira to the town Eira do Serrado there is a bus number 81, from there to the "refuge of nuns" will have to go down about two hours . At the bus stop there is a hotel and a small souvenir shop, as well as a viewing site located 10 minutes walk . The schedule of buses should be clarified on the spot, for example, in the Funchal information office or at the bus station .