Every year, like all Christians, the Portuguese celebrate Easter. True, not quite usual. The local Easter, celebrated for several days, is perhaps the most fun in the world. Throughout the country, people participate in carnival processions, dance and treat each other.

The Portuguese are laying fish in a real coffin and walking with them through the streets. True, this procession is not at all sad, but, on the contrary, very cheerful, with music and dancing. People are glad that the post has finally ended, and you can arrange a feast for the whole world.

The most interesting and unusual events take place in small fishing towns, such as Figueira and Palmer. The first Saturday after Holy Week is the funeral of cod. Local people put the fish in a real coffin and walk with him through the streets. True, this procession is not at all sad, but, on the contrary, very cheerful, with music and dancing. People are glad that the post is finally over, and you can arrange a feast for the whole world. Interestingly, the "dead" cod is then eaten with pleasure.

It is worth noting that the funeral of cod can not be seen in all cities.

At the Funeral, cods are even read by obituaries. Of course, comic.

On Easter in Portugal, it is customary to cook a fular - a sweet pie decorated with boiled eggs . Local people give each other peanuts or almonds, and children - chocolate eggs . Absolutely in all the localities carnivals and theatrical performances . The main events take place in the Catholic capital of Portugal - the city of Braga . All the churches are richly decorated with white flowers that emphasize the special status of the holiday . On the eve of Easter, the "burning of Judas" is arranged . Straw stuffed on high shes those, and at the very top hung candy . Children take turns on the pole and break the sweets . Then the effigy of Judah is burned .