How to rent a motorcycle in Portugal?

Answers Anna Larionova, Insight Travel Company
There are not so many motor transport hire companies. In Lisbon, they can be found on Commerce Square. It will be necessary to leave a deposit, which is a franchise in case of breakdowns. The amount of the deposit depends on the class of the vehicle and varies from 200 to 2000 EUR.

The scooter in Portugal can be traveled anywhere except for highways and bridges

Responsible information department of "Tourism Subtleties"
In Portugal companies , offering motorcycles for rent, not so much, and they are all located in Lisbon. However, some leasing companies of international companies have a choice of motorcycles for rent, you can also look at them, for example, from Hertz.

Perhaps the largest specialized motorcycle rental company in Portugal is IMTBike, which offers BMW motorcycles. You can also consider MotoRent's proposals, Rent-a-Moto.

The difference between companies offering motorcycles for hire - in specific conditions. For example, IMTBike does not require damage deposit and does not block anything on the card. At MotoRent, the deposit is withdrawn and completely returned after.

When planning the rental of motorcycles in Portugal, it must be borne in mind that from January 1, 2014 even bicyclists traveling to national roads need category A rights, a helmet and a retroreflective vest are mandatory . Please note that with all Portuguese police loyal to tourists, road fines in Portugal are among the highest in Europe

August 28, 2014

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