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Do you want to see how the Portuguese kings once lived? Then come to the palace of Kelouch, which is located in the suburbs of Lisbon .The magnificent palace complex was built in the mid-18th century as a summer residence for royalty and the court nobility .Here, the first persons of the state, as they say, enjoyed themselves to their fullest, rolling up grandiose balls and social events .Before us, the palace of Kelush has reached its best, despite the fatal fire that has fallen on its share .After the incident, the royal mansion had to thoroughly restore .

Do not hurry right after the tour to leave the territory of the palace of Kelush. Sit in gazebos that are in the park, or stay on live instrumental concert.

Now tourists can walk through all the rooms and look into the luxurious halls of the palace of Kelush. All the rooms of the palace of Kelush are richly decorated and literally hung with canvases and statues. It is worth noting and the garden complex of the royal residence, which is spread over many hectares. Until now, walking here, you can enjoy beautifully cut-out bushes, fragrant flower beds and gurgling fountains.

The Palace of Kelouch in Lisbon

Do not hurry immediately after the tour to leave the palace of Kelouch. Sit in gazebos, that in the park, or stay on live instrumental concert. In general, feel like real royalty.

Opening hours: 9:00 - 19:00.

Entrance: 9, 50 EUR, people over 65 years old - 8, 50 EUR, children 18 years old - 7, 50 EUR. The palace is located in the suburbs of Lisbon, about 12 kilometers from the capital of Portugal.

You can get to the palace of Kelush by train or by bus.

In the first case it will be necessary to get off at the Queluz, Belas or Monte Abraao stations and 15 minutes to walk to the palace. In the second - to get off at the stop of Queluz or Caminhos. From them to the destination about 10 minutes walk.

All prices are indicated as of May 2014

The Palace of Kelouch, Lisbon Kelush Palace
Kelush Palace
Dining room, Kelush Palace, Lisbon Kelush Palace
Dining room, Kelush Palace
Throne Room, Kelouch Palace, Lisbon Kelush Palace
Throne Room, Kelush Palace
Painted ceiling, the Palace of Kelouch, Lisbon Kelush Palace
Painted ceiling, Kelush Palace
Living room, Kelush Palace, Lisbon Kelush Palace
Living room, Kelush Palace
Ballroom, the Palace of Kelouch, Lisbon Kelush Palace
Ballroom, the Palace of Kelouch