What should I look for in half a day in Evora?

Answer Insight Travel company
Evora is a very pleasant town, on its cobbled streets there are a lot of small shops, cafes, small squares. In Evora is one of the oldest universities in the country, known already in the 16th century. The location of the city is also interesting - there are olive groves and cork oaks growing along the road.

Perhaps the most important attraction of the city is the Cathedral of Se. Its strictness and refinement bring order to thoughts and feelings, and monumentality emphasizes the importance of the city. At the cathedral there is a small church-ossuary. It is worth to visit the Temple of Diana (still Roman built), the central city square. The entire city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List

The region is famous for its black pig dish, try it at local restaurants

April 3, 2013

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