Alba-Julia (Alba Iulia, German Karlsburg, Hungarian Gyulafehervar, official website) - one of the most ancient cities of Transylvania and all of Romania, is 270 km north-west of Bucharest. Here is the famous fortress in the shape of a star, built under the emperor Charles VI, modeled on the Vauban fortifications of France, and the city itself was given the German name Carlsburg.
How to get there
At the local railway station, international trains from Vienna stop (en route 11 hours), Prague (17, 5 hours) and Budapest (on the way 7 hours). In addition, six daily trains from Cluj-Napoca, five from Bucharest and four from Timisoara, are sent daily to Alba-Julia.
Search for air tickets to Bucharest (the nearest airport to Alba-Julia)
Entertainment, excursions and the sights of Alba-Julia
On the fortified fortress territory of the 18th century there is an Orthodox monastery, the medieval Catholic church of St. (17th century), the royal court, the university and the first library in the region (1780).
The exposition of the museum of the association tells about the history of Romania from the time of the Paleolithic to the year 1944 (two floors and 100 halls of the permanent exhibition). There is also a library, laboratories and lounges. Working hours: Tue-Sun 10: 00-17: 00. Photo of Alba-Julia (6)