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In the south-western part of Bucharest, on the top of the hill Kotrocheni is located the Cotroceni country palace - a striking example of architecture of the 19th century .Thousands of tourists come here every year to see the luxurious residence of Prince Ferdinand and Princess Maria, who later became King and Queen of Romania .Cotroceni Hill is known since 1679 g ., when Prince Sherban Cantacuzino in the first year of government ordered to build a monastery here on the site of the old wooden desert .Subsequently, many Romanian rulers lived on the hill, until in 1883 .Karol I did not decide to erect here a royal residence worthy of the royal status .The order was commissioned by a lot of Romanian architect Paul Gottero, who worked in Romania, and by 1895 .the palace was built .In the period 1915-1926 gg .the northern wing was attached to the palace, other architectural innovations were introduced - central heating, gazebos and loggias .

Thousands of tourists every year come to the palace of Cotroceni to see the luxurious residence of Prince Ferdinand and Princess Maria, who later became king and queen of Romania.

At the end of 1947, .the monarchical system in Romania was abolished, King Mihai I was forced to emigrate, and the palace was placed at the disposal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs .Priceless atmosphere, paintings, sculptures, icons and household utensils were taken out by the Ministry of Arts .In 1949 the .the palace was handed over to "honorable citizens loyal to their fatherland and the Workers' Party", namely the pioneers .Over the years of existence in the role of the Palace of Pioneers, the building has been seriously damaged by barbaric reconstruction and re-planning .Finally, in 1976 .there was a residence for reception of high foreign guests, but in the following year there was a powerful earthquake, the building was seriously damaged .During the reign of Ceausescu, he was rebuilt and completed, but the remains of the monastery by 1985 .completely disassembled .

The palace in our time

Today the palace of Cotroceni is recognized as an architectural landmark of Bucharest. It houses the residence of the Romanian president, and a museum. Tourists are met by two snow-white watchtowers with tiled roofs, passing them to a well-tended park area, cut by footpaths with comfortable benches. Splendor is crowned with a luxurious building in the neo-renaissance style, decorated with columns, stucco molding and small balconies.

Not inferior to the splendor of the inner halls, the decoration of some, despite all the difficulties, has remained in historical form.

Exposition of the museum

The collection of the museum collected more than 20 thousand .exhibits representing the most diverse types of art: painting, graphics, sculpture, arts and crafts .Here you can see wooden painted icons dating from the 18th and 19th centuries, the works of Romanian artists from the 19th century to the present; The graphic collection includes drawings, watercolors and engravings of the 19th and 20th centuries, traditionally attracting attention is the Japanese engraving .In the halls dedicated to sculpture, the works of Romanian and European masters are exhibited .The section of decorative art introduces visitors to products made of ceramics, glass, textiles are widely represented, special attention is paid to the collection of furniture .

Cotroceni Palace

Helpful information

Address: Bucharest, Bulevardul Geniului, nr. 1.

Phone: + 40 (021) 317-31-07.

E-mail: vizitare @ muzeulcotroceni.

Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 9:30 - 17:30 (at 16:30 access to the museum ends), Monday: closed. The museum also does not work on January 1, 2 and 24, on the first and second day of Easter, on May 1 and 2, on the first and second days of Pentecost, August 15, November 30, December 1, 25 and 26.

The church entrance is free.

Visiting the National Museum of Cotroceni is possible only as part of an organized group, guided tours are conducted in Romanian, English, French and Italian.

Entrance: 12 ROL, for students and pensioners: 6 ROL, for schoolchildren: 4 ROL, for children under 7 years old, veterans, visitors with disabilities entrance free. Tickets for temporary exhibitions are purchased separately, the cost is 5-10 ROL. Photo and video shooting is paid, the cost is 40-150 ROL, respectively.

How to get there: the nearest metro station is Politehnica, buses No. 105, 136, 139, 236, 336, 635, trolleybuses No. 61, 62, 71, 93.

Prices are indicated as of January 2015