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Romanian castle Corvinus is also called the castle of Corvinest and the castle of Huniad. There is a castle in the modern city of Honeadora. There is one more name - "The Ravens' Castle". The nickname of King Corwin was the Crow, and the image of this wise bird is found in the castle in various places. The majestic castle, like a carved out of stone, attracts attention for a long time: its towers and narrow windows with balconies are to be looked at and examined. Built in the 14th century, the Corvinus Castle is considered an example of the Gothic style in Transylvania.

Built in the 14th century, the Corvinus Castle is considered an example of the Gothic style in Transylvania.

The castle was built by the King of Hungary, later the building was managed by the family of the Romanian prince Janos Hunyadi. He built seven towers, one made round, others - triangular. Then the castle passed to his son, Matvey Korvin (Madyash), who was busy with the conversion of the building. For example, he built a loggia in the northern wing - "Madyash's loggia."

The castle became a real patrimonial nest for a feudal family, which rebuilt the building a little, adding Gothic elements of Baroque and Renaissance elements. After Korvinov, the castle was replaced by more than a dozen owners, and almost everyone changed something in his appearance. As a result, the fortress surprisingly combines the Gothic and all the Renaissance. Such architectural vinaigrette is a rarity for Eastern Europe.

Korvinov Castle is an obligatory stop in any Dracula Tour. According to legend, in the basement for a few years, the overthrown Vlad Tepes was sitting

In the courtyard of the castle there is a well 30 m deep. According to legend, three Turk prisoners were digging it for 15 years, after which they promised to return freedom after the end of the work. When the well was completed, the Turks realized that they had been deceived. This explains the inscription carved on the well: "You already have a well and no hearts."

For more than a hundred years the Korvinov Castle was being restored after a violent fire in 1854. Now this fortress is one of the most visited by tourists. The castle is loved for the richness of the architectural style, the beauty of the interior and ... for the opportunity to tickle the nerves.

The first place that the visitor of the castle comes to is a torture chamber! As they say, nervous people, small children and pregnant women should close their eyes. Because the models of the martyrs who sit, lie or hang on the tortious boxes, look quite naturalistic. For the curious alongside the instruments of torture, instructions for use hang. But try on yourself is unlikely to be allowed.

For tourists two towers are open: one is called "Do not be afraid", and the second is named monk John Capistran. Another visitors are shown the hall where the knights feasted, the Tower of the Gunsmiths, the White Bastion (served as a food warehouse), the Diet Hall (the walls are originally painted there). Hides of dead animals hang in the halls: bears, wolves, leopards, and knights' weapons of the Middle Ages.

The entrance to the castle is blocked by a deep ditch - below the river Zlasht. You can get to the territory by the big bridge. The bridge itself can also be called a tourist attraction for its gigantic dimensions.

The entrance to the Voronov Castle is paid. The ticket price is about 1 USD. The castle is open to visitors all week, except Monday, from 9:00 to 17:00.

If the Corvinus Castle were not so interesting, few people would have gone to it - it was too uncomfortable. The city of Huneadora is small, and there is no direct communication with Bucharest. If you want to do without travel agency services, then you need to take the Bucharest-Budapest train and get off at Simeria station, and then take the shuttle bus to Huneador.

Voronov Castle in Transylvania

Address: Romania, Hunedoara Counrty, Hunedoara town, Curtea Castelului, 1-3.

 Korvinov Castle, Transylvania  Korvinov Castle
Korvinov Castle
 Gallery, Korvinov Castle, Transylvania  Korvinov Castle
Gallery, Korvinov Castle
 View of Korvinov Castle, Transylvania  Korvinov Castle
View of Korvinov Castle
 One of the exhibits, Korvinov Castle, Transylvania  Korvinov Castle
One of the exhibits, Korvinov Castle
 Throne Room, Korvinov Castle, Transylvania  Korvinov Castle
Throne Room, Castle Corvinov