Add a review about the National Museum of Romanian History

In the heart of the Romanian capital in a luxurious neoclassical building are exhibits of the National Historical Museum of Romania .Once it was the Postal Palace, then the building moved to the Central Post Office, while in 1970 .It was not occupied by the history museum .The ancient building, built in the late 19th century, in itself is of historical interest and is considered a tourist attraction of Bucharest .The Museum of the History of Romania was opened in 1970 .as the first museum of history and archeology of the country .Of course, before it there were historical museums in the country, the first one became in the sense of significance and completeness of the collection .Here were presented the most significant exhibits and finds that illustrated the thousand-year history of Romania .Earthquake 1977 g .partially destroyed the museum building, and also damaged its exposure .The reconstructed museum collection experienced the obvious ideological influence of the Communist Party .Positive changes in the direction of freedom, as for the entire Romanian society, date back only to the last decade of the 20th century .On the basis of a rich collection, numerous exhibitions were organized in European, American and Japanese museums .

The Museum of the History of Romania was opened in 1970 as the first museum of the history and archeology of the country. Of course, before him there were historical museums in the country, the first he became in the sense of significance and completeness of the collection.

Exposition of the museum

Modernization of the museum began in 2002 and, because of insufficient funding, dragged on to our time. The modern exposition consists of three exhibitions, more likely of an archaeological nature - "The historical thesaurus", "Lapidarium" and "Column of Trajan". The most valuable exhibits are on the first floor, in "Lapidarium", there is also a copy of the Trajan column.

Traveling through the echoing galleries of the palace, viewing the evidence of past eras, visitors immerse themselves in the history of Romania .At the exhibitions there are archaeological finds confirming the presence of a man in Romania already in the Paleolithic era, and this is from 600 to 6 thousand .years before .e ., there are also items of material and spiritual culture of the Dacians, medieval exhibits, exhibits covering the events of the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1848 ., close attention is paid to the events of the two world wars and the transition of Romania to Soviet influence .Among other exhibits, tourists will see national costumes, paintings and sculptures of local masters, works of arts and crafts .

In 2012, on the main staircase to the entrance to the museum, a sculpture of the Roman emperor Trajan with a mysterious creature on his hands - a cross between a capitol wolf and a Dacian dragon - was erected. This curious monument symbolizes the kinship of the Dacian tribes with the ancient Romans, the proximity of modern Romanian and Italian cultures.
National Museum of Romanian History

Helpful information

Address: Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei, nr 12, sector 3.

Phone: +40 (21) 315-82-07.

Fax: +40 (21) 311-33-56.


Admission: 25 ROL, for pensioners: 15 ROL, for students and students: 7 ROL.

Opening hours: Wednesday - Sunday: 9:00 - 17:00, Monday, Tuesday: closed.

The ticket office closes 45 minutes before the museum closes.

The museum can be reached by trams No. 7, 27 and 32, by buses No. 104, 123, 124 and 385.

As of January 2015, the museum is in the phase of restoration, therefore some of the permanent exhibitions are closed for visits, among them temporary exhibitions in the central hall and part of the exhibitions of the ground floor.

Prices are indicated as of January 2015