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The Castle of Virgo is the main attraction of the Romanian city of the same name. It is not known for certain whether the city grew around the fortress or the building was built in the already existing settlement. The first mention of the castle occurs in the records of 1269 when the King of Hungary and the Prince of Transylvania Istvan V presented the "royal castle of Virgo" to a certain Count Chilu or, according to other sources, Count Chalnic.

The name of the castle is translated from Dacian as "fortress". The second etymological version: the name of the fortress was given because of the Roman garrison, which stopped at this place. The garrison consisted of soldiers recruited in the British city of Deva.

Unequivocally it can be argued that the Virgo Castle was a strategically important fortress of medieval Romania. So, in 1273, under the walls of the Virgin, there was a battle with the Polovtsians. The castle was seriously damaged in 1849, when the retreating Hungarian troops laid gunpowder in the cellars and set it on fire. The explosion and a strong fire virtually destroyed the fortress.

It can be unequivocally asserted that the castle of Deva was a strategically important fortress of medieval Romania.

Now the castle of Deva is in a depressing state. Restoration work is carried out slowly. In fact, the castle is a ruin. But tourists come here quite often - painfully picturesque ruins something. The castle stands on a hill on the left bank of the Mures River and as if towering over the city.

On the hill where the castle is located, rare plant species grow, many of which are listed in the local Red Book. So do not rush to tear the bouquets. And still carefully look under the feet: a local inhabitant - a nosed viper - often warms himself in the sun and does not like it when disturbed by tourists who have fallen asleep. The area around the castle of Deva has the status of a nature reserve.

Most often in Virgo they go "at the same time" when they visit the Korvinov Castle in Hunyadore. There is a Deva (and accordingly a castle) 25 km from Huneadora, therefore it is possible to allocate several hours for an additional excursion.

Address: Romania, Hunedoara Counrty, Deva municipality.

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