Among the centuries-old cedars, shrouded in a blue mist of swamps, among the melodic cacophony of the taiga kingdom, the remains of the ancient settlement silently rise, able to compete with the Egyptian pyramids themselves .More recently, the fortified town of Arkaim is located in the cradle of the Bolshakaragan valley, in the Bredinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region .This magical and energetic place attracts endless streams of tourists, among which you can often meet yogis and followers of psychological teachings and astrology .How much to believe in this esotericism is everyone's business, but to get acquainted with the ancient civilization and just have a good time outdoors Arkaima is quite real .

According to some historians, Arkaim is the birthplace of ancient Aryans. But on the other hand, there is as yet no exact evidence of this theory.

Arkaim was discovered by scientists in the late 80's during a research expedition. Archaeologists had to inspect the territory, which then had to go under the water, as the construction of the reservoir was planned. But the discovered ruins of ancient civilization and the persistence of Soviet scientists did not translate into the ruinous project for Arkaim.

By the way, according to some historians, Arkaim is the birthplace of ancient Aryans. But on the other hand, there is as yet no exact evidence of this theory.

Now, around the Ural historical site, the same-name reserve, an exciting part of the Bredinsky and Kizilsky districts of the Chelyabinsk region, is located and is conveniently located right in the Arkaim valley, which stores more than 70 archaeological monuments of different epochs.

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How to get here

The most convenient way to Arkaim lies from Magnitogorsk, to which only 250 kilometers. Two times a day, namely at 9.00 and 16.30, there is a bus. The morning bus will take you to the complex, and the day bus usually leaves tourists on the road near the turn to Arkaim.

From Chelyabinsk, a regular bus service is open right up to Arkaim. Buses leave from the Southern Bus Station of Chelyabinsk.

Where to stay

In summer Arkaim reigns in a truly African heat, you can refresh yourself in the Big Karaganka River. Many people prefer to visit these regions with their own tourist outfit and live in tents. True, for installing a tent on the territory of a tourist camp, you will have to pay 150 rubles. Parking is also paid - 50 rubles for one car.

At the same time in the neighboring village of Aleksandrovskom you can use the services of a village bath and rinse yourself in one of the showers. Firewood is also sold by local residents (a bundle - 150 rubles). The season on Arkaim starts on May 1 and ends on September 30.

By the way, it is strictly forbidden to kill snakes and snakes, which here in summer can be found in abundance, also you can not tear water lilies and chop trees.
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Arkaima Attractions

First of all, it should be mentioned that Arkaim is included in the "country of cities", which includes dozens of ancient settlements and is located south of the Uy river in the watershed of the Ural and Tobol rivers.

The name of this place in the translation from Old Slavic means "the city of Bear-Veles" (Ark-bear). It is said that the settlement was founded 4000 years ago by the Slavic goddess Slavunia, the wife of Bohumir, the daughter of the god Mana, the granddaughter of the god of prayers of Barma, the great granddaughter of the very One God of Slavs - Rod. True, there is no possibility to check the reliability of this information, but it's nice to think, walking through this unique archaeological complex, that it is permeated with time and legends.


What to see

In addition to the fortified settlement Arkaim includes various economic sites, burial ground, unfortified settlements .The fortress itself is made in the form of two rings of earthen ramparts (or rather, the remains of defensive walls) with four passes of the outer moat surrounding the central square .The walls of the ancient fortress were erected from logs clogged with soil with the addition of lime: ancestors knew a lot about the construction of military camps .The dwellings of the town, built of logs and soil, are trapezoidal structures .In each of them there was a well, a cellar, a hearth, even a metallurgical furnace .Total found 29 homes: 17 in the outer and 12 in the inner circle .All houses stand in a circle, clinging to each other, and the exit from them leads to the inner circular street, which in turn leads to the oldest part of the city - the citadel, which was once illuminated by the constantly supported sacred fire .Also here were found traces of numerous temples .The central square was intended for general meetings of the inhabitants of the ancient settlement and ritual ceremonies .

The name of this place in the translation from Old Slavic means "the city of Bear-Veles" (Ark-bear).

Situated on the left bank of the Bolshaya Karaganka River, the Arkaim cemetery occupied the territory at 1-1, 5 km northeast of the Arkaim settlement. At the moment, only five burial mounds have been explored, but a huge amount of implements, household items, ornaments and weapons of bronze and bone have already been found.

Nearby there is a museum of nature and a man, whose visit will be an excellent introduction to acquaintance with the unique historical monument. For tourists, the Ethnographic Museum "Cossack Manor" is also open, where master classes on ancient crafts are regularly held: stucco and clay burning.

Revelation Hill

In 4 km from the site of the hill stands the Mountain of Revelation, or Mount Arkaim, which is considered the main place of concentration of Arkaim's power. To conquer its peak, it is necessary to walk 2 km along the asphalt road from the Arkaim camp, then the path runs through the woods. Needless to say, the panorama of the surrounding natural beauty is delicious. From here you can contemplate the Power Mountain, which is west of.

Mount Shamanka

Mount Shamanka (Shamanikha, Shaman-mountain) is the sacred mountain of Arkaim, a place of spiritual fellowship with the Spiritual Keepers of Arkaim. Here, experts are practicing in mastery to travel to the spiritual dimension of Arkaim. The western slope of the mountain is the Penitent's Step, or Mount of Ancestors, a recognized place of power for purification and repentance in imperfections.

By the way, on this mountain Arkaim there is a spiral laid out of the stones, after walking along it barefoot, it is possible to get rid of sins.

Lookout Hill, or Mountain of Love

The observation hill, which is on the left bank of the Bolshaya Karaganka River, is concurrently the Mountain of Love. Here were found the Stone Age camp and the settlement of the Bronze Age. They say that having married here, the couple enlists the favor of the gods.

Cherkasinskaya Sopka, or Horus of Reason

Another Cherkasinskaya Sopka is called the Mountain of Reason or Wisdom. The brains are treated 1, 5 km west of Cherkasy on the left bank of the Bolshaya Karaganka River. From here you can easily see the Mountain of Wealth - Mount Zarathushtra, where it is convenient to get from the village of Alexandrovsky, located only 2 km. The neighboring camp "Arkaimskie prostory" promises a great rest.

In Arkaim it is worth noting with other tourists the summer solstice, which is celebrated on June 21. Places in hotels and tent camps are limited.


Here we have reached the largest archaeological monument of the Bronze Age of Sintashta, which is the spiritual center of the Arkaim "country of cities". Composition: fortified city, burial ground, temple complex Great Sintashtinsky mound surrounded by small mounds. There is a landmark 50 km from Arkaim, on the left bank of the Sintashta River, near the village of Rymniki in the Bredinsky district.


Another valuable place from the point of view of archeology is called Alandskoe and is located in the Orsk district of the Orenburg region. From Arkaim to get there it is necessary through Kizil and Sibai. Bones, jewelry, fragments of ceramic vessels, flint arrowheads were found here.

Issue price

Virtually all the facilities of the Arkaim reserve have a paid entrance. So, a visit to an ancient settlement costs 150 rubles, entrance to museums - 100 rubles.

Accommodation at the hotel will cost 600-700 rubles per person per night. In addition to the hotel for accommodation on the territory of Arkaim, tourists are provided with trailers, the cost of which is from 300 to 550 rubles and summer houses for 300-350 rubles per seat.

On the territory of the reserve there is a dining room and a cafe where you can eat inexpensively and deliciously.

In order not to be wasted on drinking water, it is better to take care of it before the trip, as here it will be necessary either to constantly buy mineral water in bottles, or knock on local residents and ask to pump water from their column.

All prices are for September 2013

Photo Arkaima (15)