Add a review about the Syuyumbike Tower

The pearl of the Kazan Kremlin is poetically called the architectural symbol of Kazan - the Syuyumbike tower, which, besides its historical significance, is also known as an object of urban mythology. This is one of the so-called "falling" towers, since it has a strong vertical slope to the northeast side.

The height of the Syuyumbike tower is 58 meters, and the location inside the Kremlin at a height, away from the fortress walls, as a watchtower, or sentinel, a tower. Panoramic views of the Volga and Kazanka, as well as the vicinity of the Kremlin, could not be better suited for defensive purposes.
The question of the time of the construction of the Syuyumbike tower is one of its riddles.

For neither the archive of Kazan Khanate documents nor the town planning Kazan plans 16-17 centuries (they were burnt during the Moscow fire of 1701). Therefore, there are several versions of the building: the 17th and 18th centuries, the second half of the 16th century or even the period of the Kazan Khanate, before the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible in 1552.

In what way is the tower Syuyumbike connected with Queen Syuyumbike - one of the legendary women in the history of the Islamic world , the wife of the Kazan khans Jan-Ali and Safa-Giray, the great-great-granddaughter of the head of the Nogai Horde dynasty - Yedigei, who for several years was the ruler of the Kazan Khanate?

According to one of the mythological versions, the queen built a tower in honor of her beloved husband Safa Giray, who died in 1549. On the other - the tower was built 7 days by the order of Ivan the Terrible, who wished to take Syuyumbike as his wife, but she threw herself from the seventh tier of the tower.
Tsaritsa Syuyumbike
In the reality documented, Queen Syuyumbike with her son Utyamysh-Girey was betrayed by her Murzas and given to Ivan the Terrible together with the Kazan Treasury. A year and a half later, against her will Syuyumbike was married to Khan Shah-Ali, and her son remained at the upbringing at the royal court.

As you can see, fairy tales are fairy tales, but the life of the queen was no less tragic. Perhaps this was the reason why in the early 19th century the current name was fixed behind the tower as a memory of the Khan time, symbolized by Syuyumbike

Address: Kazan, Sheikman Ave.

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