Russia is a multinational and multicultural country. Only, unfortunately, some people forget about this. And if many people have even heard of such a Bashkir-Tatar-Chuvash holiday as Sabantuy, then the question about what "Gerber" is, the majority of the respondents scratch their nape first, and then the flower "chamomile" answers slowly.

Gerber or gyrone bydton (Udm. "End of plowing") is a traditional Udmurt holiday dedicated to the harmonious union of nature and man. However, recently it is considered a holiday of the end of spring field work. A modern Gerber holiday can interest both Udmurts and tourists who want to join the culture of this people

The paragraph of history

The oldest holiday Gerber was once celebrated in every village of Udmurtia annually in late spring. However, after the revolution, this event, which was significant for everyone involved in the Udmurt agriculture, began to take place in the summer. In 1992, Gerber was recognized by the government of Udmurtia as a nationwide holiday.

Where it passes

Interestingly, Gerber until recently (2010) did not have a permanent venue. Every year guests were met in different parts of the Udmurt Republic. Since 2010, the festival is taking place on the territory of the Ludorvai Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Museum

How to get here

From Izhevsk you can get to Ludourvaya by regular bus No. 109 from the bus stop "South Bus Station" or by bus number 151 from " Gagarin Street. "

What's interesting

Gerbera always had something to do. For example, you can try delicious dishes of national cuisine: crispy pouches and crumbly porridge, cooked according to an old recipe. Moreover, all local Grandmothers are offered free of charge. There are numerous concert programs, where creative groups and solo artists of many genres are performing - from folk songs to modern dances.

There is an exhibition-sale of souvenirs, where everyone can buy a piece of Udmurt culture. Fans of competitions are invited to take part in one of the traditional competitions. The choice is the strongest couple and all kinds of children's programs.


If you want to join the culture of one of the most ancient peoples of our country or just want to have a good time and are not far away, then it's definitely worth to visit this event.

 Gerber in Udmurtia  Gerber Festival
 Meeting of the Gerber Festival in Udmurtia  Gerber Festival
 Gerber Festival  Gerber Festival