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    Hope 5 * 9.0
    Kabardinka, Mira Street 3
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    Kabardinka, Abrikosovaya Street 3
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    Kabardinka, Kollektivnaya Street 77
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Expert comments on the hotels of Kabardinka

 Hotels of Kabardinka
Editorial Tonkostey

In Kabardinka the basis of the tourist infrastructure is the private hotel business. The private sector as a whole remains less: residents of the village are trying to make extensions and separate guest houses for holidaymakers, equip them in the best way, thereby ensuring a high season of stable earnings. There are a lot of mini-hotels here, too.

Where to stay in Kabardinka

Almost the entire coastline of the village is occupied by children's camps, recreation centers, boarding houses, so wherever you stay - to the sea you will have to walk from 5-10 minutes or more.

The majority of hotels in Kabardinka are located in the center of the village - along the streets of the Collective, Peace, Revolutionary and Partisan.

The most attractive area for tourists with complaints - behind the central stadium, in the streets of Abrikosovaya, Ubilivaya, Doobskaya or Spo gt; This is the most comfortable area, where there are good modern hotels, from the sea for 10-15 minutes walk.

However, other areas of Kabardinka have their advantages: first of all, it's lower cost, comfort of living, less noise and fuss.