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Klyuchevsky Nature Park is located on the territory of the forest fund of the Klyuchevsky Leskhoz. The territory of the natural park is unique in its relief and has no analogues in the whole world: on a small territory there are 13 different volcanic structures, among which the most active in the world and the highest active volcano Klyuchevskaya in Asia with an absolute elevation of about 4800 meters above sea level rises. Its height due to frequent eruptions is constantly changing due to solidified lava flows

The territory of the park is a mountain island elevated above the surrounding terrain

The group of volcanoes includes: Mountain tooth, Spicy Zimina, Oval Zimina, Big Udina, Malaya Udina, Flat Tolbachik, Sharp Tolbachik, Nameless, Kamen, Kluchevskoy, Middle, Krestovsky, and Ushkovsky.

The territory of the park is a mountain island elevated above the surrounding terrain. As in all mountain regions, the altitudinal zoning of the vegetation cover is clearly expressed here. In addition, each side - southern, eastern, etc., have their own characteristics.

Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes is the center of the modern glaciation of Kamchatka. Five volcanoes of this group (Kamen, Kliuchevskoy, Middle, Krestovsky and Ushkovsky) of the giant horseshoe cover a flat glacier from which the glaciers of Erman and Bogdanovich originate.

Kamchatka Nature Parks
 Extinct Volcano Kamen, Klyuchevsky Nature Park, Kamchatka Territory  Klyuchevsky Nature Park
Extinct Volcano Kamen, Klyuchevsky Nature Park