Add a review about the nature park "Bystrinsky"

Natural Park "Bystrinsky", the largest specially protected area of ​​Kamchatka, is included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites of UNESCO. It attracts tourists with impressive landscapes of the Middle Range, taiga forests with their wildlife and a special way of life of local indigenous peoples. There are dozens of volcanoes here (including the current Ichinsky height of 3607 meters) and numerous thermal springs.

In Bystrinsky district it is best to go in the summer, there are good conditions for active recreation. The winter is mild and the summer is hot.

Bystrinsky Park is the only place where the representatives of indigenous peoples live - the Evens, Koryaks and Itelmen. In the village of Esso is an ethnographic museum that stores objects of everyday life and culture of the aborigines of Kamchatka. The museum has an exhibition center - of course, with a shop of national souvenirs. In Anavgai village they started creating an ethnographic cultural complex in the open air that reproduces the authentic life of the indigenous inhabitants of the peninsula

In March there are dog sled races "Beringia", children's dog sled dog races "Dyulin" and Day of the reindeer herder . In June - Day of the first fish and the New Year holiday of the New Year "Nurgenak" . In August - Aboriginal Day, in September - the Day of arrival of Evens to Bystrinskaya land and the holiday of Harvest . Bystrinsky Park developed unique ecological and tourist routes, including ascent e of the volcano and rafting on the rapid mountain rivers, horseback riding tours through alpine meadows and swimming in mountain lakes with crystal water . There are excellent ski slopes of any complexity .

Natural Park "Bystrinsky"