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The park is located on the lands of the forest fund of the Southern Lesnichestvo within the boundaries of the Elizovo administrative district and extends along the Pacific coast on the eastern side. There are no settlements on the territory of the park, and no economic activity is conducted. The South Kamchatka Nature Park is almost inaccessible to land transport, there are no roads on its territory. This is one of the untouched areas of the Kamchatka region.

Almost all salmonids - chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon enter the park's rivers.

The territory of the park is characterized by exceptionally complex terrain. The significant territory of the park is represented by the mountain system of the Median ridge with a strong dissection. The average altitudes are 1200-1400 m above sea level, individual heights reach 1900 m.

The territory is covered by a relatively dense river network, represented by numerous tributaries of such rivers as Khodutka, Asacha, Mutnaya. All rivers are spawning. Almost all salmonids - chinook salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, humpback salmon, chum salmon enter the rivers.

Severe climatic conditions, scarcity of the diversity of the species composition of forests, do not affect the wildlife of the natural park, which is diverse and density not inferior to other regions region, and for some it exceeds. So the number of bear here is higher than in other areas of the region with a richer feed base.

South Kamchatka Nature Park