The village of Akhtanizovskaya, the administrative center of the village of the same name, is located on the Taman Peninsula, on the shore of the Akhtanizovsky Estuary . The settlement here was founded in 1812 by . Cossacks who were resettled to the territory of the present Krasnodar Territory from the banks of the Dnieper River . However, some argue that it was made even earlier by the Turks, and the name of the village was formed from the Turkish "Agdeniz" - "White Sea" . It should be noted that in the strict sense of the word, the village does not have access to the "real", open sea - ochem, before him some 2-3 km . And besides, the small estuary gives the widest opportunities for fishing: the fans of this business in Akhtanizovskaya can be met from the very early morning . Here are beautifully caught carp, asp, catfish, pike and pike perch .

Small estuary gives the greatest opportunities for fishing: the fans of this case in Akhtanizovskaya can be met from the very early hours

How to get to Akhtanizovskaya

You can get to the village by car from Anapa (about an hour and a half ride). From Golubitskaya to Akhtanizovskaya go by the sea shore for less than half an hour.

Search for tickets to the city of Anapa (nearest a / p to Akhtanizovskaya)

Entertainment, excursions and attractions

In terms of infrastructure, Akhtanizovskaya decently mastered. For 3 thousand people there is a house of culture, a winery, a sufficient number of grocery stores and a car service. On Tuesdays there is a market in the village

Akhtanizovsky Estuary - one of the largest freshwater reservoirs of the Krasnodar Territory . At an area of ​​about 90 sq. Km . km its depth hardly exceeds 1, 5 m . Akhtanizovskaya - a paradise not only for fishermen . The shores of the estuary are covered with cane, in the thickets of which there are beautiful creeks with pink lotuses and egg-caps . Also there grows a rare water chestnut - chilim . Thanks to the numerous small reservoirs in the vicinity here are full of waterfowl, and a little further from sea ​​- wading birds, that such as different species of herons, bittern, chomga and t . d . And further into the reeds begin to grow reeds where wild pigs and foxes live .

The most strange inhabitant of reeds near the Akhtanizovsky estuary is the muskrat, which was brought here from North America. Their huts can be seen in reeds, at a height of up to a meter above the water.

In the south-west of Akhtanizovskaya there is a place with a specific name Akhtanizovskaya Bleak (another option is a spittle) . We are more accustomed to the word "hummock", the more so it is: it rises to 65 m above sea level . Sopka is an active mud volcano: at its top you can see a blue-gray clay, which reminds that up to the most recent time the volcano was constantly boiling, erupting rhythmic tremors . Today the volcano doze off, and on the site of the crater, those who wish can view the dry funnel, but next to it, new splashes of clay lava often emerge (easier to say mud) .

Another mud attraction in the vicinity of Akhtanizovskaya is the mud lake Sinyaya Balka. It is a rounded crater with a diameter of approximately 17 m. The curative gray clay that fills it has a sufficiently high density so that it can be safely bathed in the lake, despite its considerable depth of 25 m.

The flag and the coat of arms are very colorful Akhtanizovskaya (one duplicates the other). They depict the yellow triangle of the mountain on a saturated blue background, and above it - a bunch of grapes.

The more "clean" and eye-pleasing sight of Akhtanizovskaya is the lotus valley . The lotuses in Akhtanizovskaya were artificially planted, but today they grew so much that became one of the most beautiful local attractions . In order to get here by car, you need to go from the village of Golubitskaya towards Anapa and turn right after the bridge through the artificial canal Kazachy Eric . It makes sense, after hitting the valley, to take to the arena at the boat to get maximum impressions . Another option is to order a complex excursion to the lotus valley from Golubitskaya or Anapa .

Akhtanizovsky Liman and lotuses


In addition to the Akhtanizovskaya village itself, Peresyp (not to be confused with the same district of Odessa) . This is the nicest place on the other side of the Akhtanizovsky estuary, on the shore of the Sea of ​​Azov and a few kilometers from the famous Golubitskaya . It is very quiet, and there is a big sandy beach .Peresyp is in the middle of sea bays and estuaries permanently formed, so the air is always moist and pleasant to the city of light, withered central heating . It is a good place for families with children: the water input is flat and shallow sea on the northern outskirts of . Siltings remains of fortifications that were built here more ancient civilizations .

it should be noted that the small freshwater ponds with beaches, grassy, ​​in the vicinity of Ahtanizovki provide shelter not only the fish that spawn, but also many tourists techniques, are the mosquitoes.

Another village that is part of the settlement is the small Za Rodinu, neighbor of Peresypi . Nearby, on Mount Tizdar, there is also a mud volcano - the same volcano, although sometimes it's called Blue Balka . The mountain goes into the sea, and directly flows into the water streams of bluish clay with antiseptic properties . Another tourist attraction of the village For the Motherland is an ostrich farm . And in 2002 . near the settlement was discovered a paleolithic site of an ancient man where they found stone products of a thousand years ago . This is one of the oldest monuments related to the early period of the Stone Age in Eastern Europe .

 Akhtanizovskaya  Akhtanizovskaya

Photo Akhtanizovskaya (1)