A small settlement Alakaevka, which arose in 1752, is located in the Kinelsky district of the Samara region (218 km from Samara) and has been acting as one of the tourist centers of the region for many years. In the days of the Soviet Union, up to 30,000 tourists a year visited the house in which Lenin lived, and now believers from all over Russia are rushing to the miraculous icon and the Holy Spring.

In Alakayevka spent five summer seasons Vladimir Ulyanov: bathed in a pond, went to the forest for raspberries.
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How to get here

To get to Alakayevka, you will first have to get to Samara. The most convenient option is to use an airplane. From Moscow to Samara, you can fly from Vnukovo, Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo, the choice of airlines is also extensive - 15 air carriers fly by the Moscow-Samara flight. So tickets to Samara are at any time of day and on every wallet. From Moscow to Samara, you will get in 1 hour 35 minutes, the ticket price will be about 5 thousand rubles.

Search for tickets to the city of Samara (the nearest a / p to Alakayevka)

For those who prefer the railway, the train Moscow - Samara departs daily from the Kazan station. The ticket will cost around 1800 rubles. for a reserved seat and 3400 rubles. for the compartment, and the travel time will be 14-18 hours. You can use the intercity bus. The ticket, which can also be bought at Kazan, costs 1400 rubles, travel time - 16 hours. So, you are in Samara, and now you need to get to the Central Bus Station and take the bus number 126 Samara - Kinel, then the bus number 199 Kinel - Alakayevka (ticket price up to 200 rubles.). By car from Samara on the highway M5 move 37 km to the village. Red Yar, and further 27 km along the P178 highway to the village of Alakaevka.

The village of Alakaevka

Entertainment, excursions and attractions

In the village of Alakaevka and its surroundings, tourists are attracted by the Holy Spring of the Vladimir Icon of Our Lady, Murave Forest and the House Museum of Vladimir Lenin.

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Holy spring

Opened in the 18th century. the source of the Vladimir Mother of God has been attracting pilgrims from all over Russia for more than two centuries to Alakayevka. Before the revolution, on the shore of the pond stood a chapel, in which there was a miraculous icon of Vladimir the Mother of God. Later the chapel was destroyed, and the icon was lost. Once there they found a half-decayed icon, and when they picked it up, a spring came to the holy place.

The water of this holy spring is amazing - extraordinarily soft, with a lot of silver. It gives a source of one liter of water per second.

Now the well is equipped with a well, a frame has been erected, a new chapel and a bathhouse have been built, prayer services are held. Many people who believe in the miraculous power of the source, come to worship the Orthodox shrine.

There are cases when people suffering from skin diseases, having plunged into the source, received healing.


This natural monument is a small forest, mostly oak, on the left bank of the Zaprudnaya River, 3 kilometers from Alakaevka (move towards the Red Key). Enjoying fresh forest air, singing birds and chirring of grasshoppers, be careful: in the depths of the forest is very lively, because there are large colonies of ants. Sometimes anthills here reach up to 1 m in height and 2 m in diameter. Thanks to this, the forest received its name.

Sometimes the anthills in the Muravly Forest reach one meter in height and two in diameter.

House-museum of Lenin

Be sure to visit one of the oldest museums in Lenin - the museum in Alakayevka. The house itself was built in 1850, the Ulyanov family moved here in 1887. In Alakayevka, Lenin spent 5 summer seasons and, according to chronicles, spent much time in the garden, bathed in a pond, often went to the neighboring Muravlensky forest behind a raspberry. Now the museum is a historical reconstruction of the house and garden in 3 hectares, and works daily from 10.00 to 17.00, except Sunday and last Friday of the month. Entrance - 20 rubles

All prices are indicated as of May 2013