You will prove to be in this city, you know: you are in the "rear of Kazan" . Fortress of Arsk has long been the northern rear outpost of the Kazan Khanate . The city was founded as far back as the 13th century by the notorious Khan Baty . In the Russian annals for the first time mentioned in 1497 . In the 17th century Arsk became a Russian fortress, at the end of the 18th century it was called a provincial town of Kazan governorship, the 20th century was held in the status of a village and a town-type settlement . And only in 2008 it became again a city . Today Arsk is small, but quite a modern city in the north-east of Tatarstan, 65 km from people of the republic . About the fact that he was a fortress, resembles the arms of the city .

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How to get to Arsk

Directly to get to Arsk from Moscow is impossible . It will be necessary to change different types of transport . The fastest way is first to Kazan, then to choose - bus, taxi, train . To the capital of Tatarstan, you can quietly depart from Sheremetyevo or Domodedovo, daily flights . The path by air takes an hour and a half . Upon arrival, you can immediately hire a taxi, but the price tag at the airport walls is several times higher than if you go from the city . More echevnyy method - buses . They go every hour . Even cheaper way - train: two hours of steady travel, 65 rubles of costs and you are in Arsk. .

Search for air tickets to Kazan (the nearest airport to Arsk)

You can get by train, almost directly, at least, you have to change seats only from the car to the car. From Moscow, the train departs from the Kazan station, transplanting in the capital of the republic, approximately 17 hours of travel - with a clear docking. Lovers of autotravel can also go by car. The distance from Moscow to Arska is about 900 km.

Travelers behind the wheel to the note: if you take into account 10 liters for every 100 km, then you need 87 liters of gasoline. 1 liter costs about 29 rubles, that is, the road to Arsk will cost you 2500 rubles. The gas station on the M-7 highway is full.

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Entertainment, excursions and sights Arska

Almost all sights Arsky region are associated with the name of the national poet Gabdulla Tukaya, whom the Tatars revere. Tukaya is called the "Tartar Pushkin". But, of course, one past arcane does not live and build modern interesting objects.

Arka Tower

On the central square of Arsk there is a modern building made of brick and high-tech materials. The tower was built in honor of those who lost their lives in the Great Patriotic War. Climb the stairs, and you will see the neighborhood as in the palm of your hand. Local residents are advised to start acquaintance with the city in this way

Museum of Literature and Art

Go down from the tower, do not pass by a beautiful wooden house, with carved shutters (12 Pervomayskaya St.). Once in this building there was a canton militia, now - a museum of literature and art. Here you will be told all about the Tatar writers and enlighteners who were born and lived in Arsk, and there were many of them! But the residents of Arsk are especially proud of Gabdulla Tukay. Several excursions are devoted to him at once. In addition, in the literary museum you can learn in detail the history of the Arka fort. There is an excursion dedicated to Fyodor Shalyapin

Weekend in Arsk

Tukaev family house museum

This museum is located in the village of Koshlach - the homeland of the poet Gabdulla Tukaya . You can get there by bus, the distance is small - 24 km . The museum is located in the restored mullah Mukhametgarifa manor . The exposition represents the parents' house of the future poet, which is divided into two halves: the male is made in the form of a rural school (madrasah) . The father of the great poet knows seven generations of mullahs . The female half of the house is the world of the mother, trad the image of the rural Tatar house where the women's hands were mostly . The museum even has personal belongings of Gabdulla Tukaya's mother . You can choose one of three excursions and each will tell you about the times in which the poet lived and worked . This house-museum, by the way, is included in the official "Tukay route", which will be presented in the cultural program to the guests of the Universiade-2013 in Kazan .

The Tukaev family house museum in the village of Koshlach was included into the cultural program of the Universiade-2013, which will be held in Kazan this summer.

Gabdul Literary and Memorial Complex s Tukaya

For more complete impressions of Tatar poetry, you can go to the village of Novy Kirlay - by bus or train . Here you will find the literary-memorial complex of Gabdulla Tukaya . He has been working since the 60s of last century . Now the museum is in the park zone, in the farmstead of Saghdi, where the poet lived, who became an orphan at 4 years . The manor from the bar, walk around the rooms - it's a pleasure! And behind the house is the bank of the river Iya, a very picturesque place - especially in the summer . But in the winter a special surprise awaits you - a meeting with Kysh Babay - Tatar Father Frost . Here his winter residence .

Native village. Tatar cartoon

Fisherman's village

I'm tired of the city, tired of the museums - go fishing! In 8 km from Arsk there is an entertaining complex where from May till October it is possible to take pleasure in plenty. Here there are carp, white cupid, carp, pike. The hour of fishing will cost 100 rubles, the same amount will have to pay for a kilo of caught fish. It's clear that all gear, even a rubber boat and raincoat, can be hired. As a deposit, you will need a passport or driver's license. You can ride here all year round on horseback.

Prices are for March 2013