Near Moscow direction number one, which provided a stable inflow of the Intourist currency into the state treasury even in the days of socialism, the Golden Ring on the map resembles the calligraphic uppercase "O", tending to break away from the noisy Moscow and to escape into the misty distance of the glorious history of Rus and the blessed silence of the outback. Eight ancient cities with majestic monasteries and golden-domed churches, merchant chambers of Volga merchants and workshops of famous folk crafts - a brilliant crown of the first-century, and not a poby ing into them - is to miss a lot of interesting and important things of the eventful past of domestic

But do not think that, apart from walking on the religious and secular architectural complex here with nothing to do - on the contrary! For example, in Yaroslavl you can almost eat the most delicious donuts in the central region (five per piece, by the way), and from Kostroma take away a couple of cheese heads in Kostroma birch bark tea; Suzdal cheer up the International Day of cucumber and Pereslavl charm blue expanse of Lake Pleshcheeva . Among other things, the way in this magic kingdom is not far at all: just a couple hours from Moscow, and the tourism infrastructure is quite developed - and eat, and sleep can be tasteful and for reasonable money .. Rostov Veliky

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 Golden Ring
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What is the Golden ring

to start define some terminology

Classic golden ring - the eight cities, remarkable for its historical and cultural monuments and placed on a virtual circle in the north-east of Moscow . clockwise from the nearest to the capital city is Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl, Rostov and Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir . Sergiev Posad - the starting point for excursions to the Gold in the ring, it is located 52 km from the ancient capital, and the most distal point of the tourist "oval" - Kostroma - separated from Moscow 306 km .. Along with the classic "octopartite" route available and advanced - depending on the imagination of the tour operators including neighboring cities (incidentally, no less remarkable in terms of landscapes, customs and culture): Kaliazin, Moore, Reach, Rybinsk, Uglich, Goose-crystal, Paleh, Alexandrov and t

. d.Forgive them such a confusion of thoughts: on the territory of the central regions of Russia there really is something to see, and in spirit these settlements fit perfectly within the Golden Ring - cozy towns, crowned with glowing domes, expansive Central Russian landscapes around and magnificent examples of applied art as a visiting card - take at least the Gusev crystal or the lacquer miniature of Palekh .


There are a lot of options for excursion programs on the Golden Ring. In addition to the classic "eight" mentioned above, the extended route with a loop through the Yaroslavl region enjoys popularity - with visits to Uglich, Myshkin, Rybinsk and Tutayev. Its length is about a thousand kilometers.

In addition, you can travel around the Golden Ring not only in a circle, but also radially: for example, from Rostov the Great to Borisoglebsky Monastery, from Yaroslavl to Tutayev, from Kostroma to Plyos and Shchelykovo, from Ivanovo to Shuya and places of folk crafts Palekh, Kholui and Mstyora. Most often, such mini-programs include visits to only 4-7 cities.

The duration of the trip can be calculated as 2-3 days (the so-called "weekend tours"), and for a full 9-10 days, necessary to inspect the main "eight" and other "izhe cheruvime." The most popular options are from 2 to 5 days, although there are a lot of people who want to embrace the immense, especially in the summer.

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 Golden Ring
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On what to ride

The most convenient way to travel on the Golden Ring - organized excursion . Despite the inevitable "gallop on the Europeans" in such cases, the advantages of this option are obvious: they will bring-take away according to the schedule, settle, feed and tell . The traveler should independently rely on personal vehicles (ideal) or long-distance buses . The railway is more suitable for individual visits to the cities of the Golden Ring, since it only links (which is convenient, say, for Yaroslavl or Vladimir) . In many small places the stations are located in tens of kilometers from tourist places . To quickly get to the opposite side of the "ring", you can use an airplane: for example, in Kostroma twice a week flights are departing from Moscow's Domodedovo . Travel time - only 1 h 20 min .

  • What cities of the Golden Ring can be visited by boat on a cruise

Where to stay

Fortunately, times when the trip to the Russian remote places was unchanged It is difficult to find a suitable hotel (more precisely, with a complete lack of decent housing options), they have sunk into oblivion. Today in any city of the Golden Ring there are at least a couple of nice hotels, as well as many options in the private sector: from cozy mini-hotels with home furnishings to apartments and even cottages for rent. There are also business hotels "imprisoned" for rich foreigners.

A pleasant highlight and, if you want, exotic even for us, residents of big cities - accommodation in old houses in the countryside or the most real village huts. Prices for accommodation range from 700-1000 RUR per room in a private sector, a sanatorium or in a hostel up to 2000-3000 RUR for a well-furnished room in a modern hotel or a well-kept private hotel. Business accommodation will cost 5000-7000 RUR for a double room with breakfast

How to eat well

Thanks to the unrelenting tourist interest, to a large extent from foreigners, there are no problems with the nutritious establishments on the Golden Ring: from sandwiches and wine (and you say, exotic - abroad!), where for 100-200 RUR you can freeze a worm, say, meat and potatoes in a pot and skip a glass "for sightseeing" to restaurants of Russian haute cuisine in the spirit of the famous Moscow "Cafe Pushkin" . Worth about to note that in inexpensive institutions they are fed in their own way: fresh food, impressive portions, democratic prices - the soulful Russian backwoods still are not shameless shavermetschiki megacities .The hotel's buffet is rarely offered: breakfasts are usually continental, and dinner can be ordered à la carte at the hotel restaurant a la carte .In the cities of the Golden Ring one should definitely try the local gastronomic delights: in Yaroslavl - donuts, in Kostroma - cheese, in Suzdal - mead and cucumbers in all kinds - from fresh to pickle, in Rostov Veliky - dishes from pike .

What to buy

Handicrafts and souvenirs of the cities of the Golden Ring are hardly more attractive for travelers than monasteries, temples and museums .In addition to the standard range - all sorts of things depicting local architectural monuments, almost every town is famous for the exclusive products of its craftsmen .In Kostroma, for example, they produce magnificent birch bark items - chestnuts and boxes, boxes and bowls .Also from here are brought linen clothes and home textiles - ordinary and with embroidery .From Pereslavl-Zalessky it's worth taking wonderful interior and kitchen items from the carved wood .Vladimir is known for patchwork sewing, enamel and embellishments of semiprecious stones, and Suzdal - tapestries .In Ivanovo, be sure to pay attention to the products of local weavers - calico and printed fabrics, home and bedroom textiles .The places of the "big" Golden Ring - Kholui, Mstera, Palekh - are famous all over the world for the art of lacquer miniatures .

Journey through the cities of the Golden Ring

What to see

In Sergiev Posad - Trinity-Sergius Lavra with a wealth of magnificent monuments of religious architecture and a museum-reserve, churches, chapels, monasteries, bell towers, chambers and palaces, and the Toy Museum.

In Pereslavl-Zalessky - the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, the Church of Alexander Nevsky and Simeon Stylite, Goritsky, Nikitsky and Trinity-Danilov monasteries, the museum-estate "Botik Peter the Great", Iron Museum and the Museum of steam locomotives.

In Rostov Veliky - the museum-reserve "Rostov Kremlin", the church of Spas-na-Peski, Tolga Our Lady and the Ascension of Our Lord, Christmas, Spaso-Yakovlevsky and Borisoglebsky monasteries, as well as the Museum of Enamel.

In Yaroslavl - the Transfiguration Monastery, the Church of the Epiphany, Elijah the Prophet and St. Nicholas Nadein and many secondary churches, Gostiny Dvor, Metropolitan Chambers, etc.

In Kostroma - Shopping arcades, the Church of the Resurrection on the Debre, the Ipatiev Monastery and the Trinity Cathedral, the Bogoyavlensky Anastasin Monastery, numerous churches, as well as the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Nature and even the Ivan Susanin Museum of achievement!

In Ivanovo - Vvedensky, Ilinsky and Kazan churches, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, the Ivanovo Regional Art Museum, the Ivanovo Museum of Local History, the Ivanovo Chintz Museum, the Tsvetaev family house museum.

In Suzdal - Suzdal Kremlin, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, Bishops' Chambers and the bell tower, Pokrovsky and Spaso-Evfimeev monasteries, the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Borisoglebsky Cathedral, the Museum of Wooden Architecture in the Open.

In Vladimir there are the Golden Gate and the Water Tower, the Assumption and Dmitrievsky Cathedrals, the Museum Complex of Chambers, the Christmas and Knyaginin Monasteries, the Assumption Church of the Virgin, Nikita the Martyr, the Intercession on the Nerl and the Troitskaya, and the priceless frescos of Andrei Rublev. Photo of the Golden Ring (71)