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Explore the wild Far East, to visit the end of the world, to witness the power of nature, you will never win a person can, perhaps, only in Chukotka . In this lost God knows where Russia Area extremely difficult to get, but to leave from here it is possible only with heavy, in love forever in these harsh regions, with heart . Cape Navarin - one of the pearls of Chukotka, only confirming this rule . This is one of the most unusual, beautiful and majestic corners of the peninsula, and its main and exclusive tion "vociferous" wealth - Rookery . most bustling, colorful and cheerful to all Far East .

Cape Navarino appeared on the world map in 1828 thanks to the expedition crew of the sloop "Senyavin" under the command of FP Litke. And its name, as you might guess, was received in honor of the grand victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish enemy in the Battle of Navarino near the Peloponnese, which happened shortly before.

Funny, but in translation from the Chukchi cape Navarin, washed by the Bering Sea, is translated as "sausage ", Although nothing similar to this product in the harsh rocks hitting the sea is not even seen from space.
Cape Navarin is one of the most unusual, beautiful and majestic corners of Chukotka, and its main and exclusively "screaming" wealth is the bird market. The most noisy, colorful and cheerful in the whole Far East.

An important feature of Cape Navarin is its exceptional windiness in the most direct sense of the word. This is where the maximum annual wind speed and the frequency of storms and hurricanes in our country are observed, and the air temperature even rarely rises above +7 ° C in the hottest month of August, while the average annual temperature is -4 ° C. No less frequent companions Navarina than the wind - it's fog and rain. In short, the weather does not spoil here.

As for flora and fauna, the headland of Navarino have something to be proud of here . Let's not grow shrubs and trees, and Mother Nature endowed this region only the richest set of herbs and plants, but ornithologists of the whole world can speak about this place only with aspirations . It is in the rocks of this cape that the regular summer concentration of the white-tailed eagle is marked, which, for a minute, is considered an honorary frequenter of the Red Book . In addition, the most southern rookery of the sea lion , and in the water area the huge whale migrates en masse, the gray whale .

Directly on the shore also has something to see . Firstly, there is a rare endemic of the Koryak highland here, a black-capped marmot whose whistling and rustling is heard almost every minute, but to see it is not so easy . Secondly, in the area of ​​Cape Navarino you can find a couple of man-made attractions . Here the unique cave paintings with scenes of ancient people hunting deer, whose age goes back nearly two millennia have been found, and also The site of ancient kerekov sites . In particular, on the high terrace of the right bank of the Orianda Lagoon, you can see low hills with remnants of dugouts and semi-earthy tribes of the tribe that lived here .

Finally, you can also look to the abandoned radio meteorological station of Sevmorputi Bay of Gabriel, which does not work with 1990 . its employees in such a hurry to leave the places that are even save the entire belongings of scientists, a rich library, machinery and equipment, which, unfortunately, will soon be pilfered or turn into ashes . Preach and on that - the leaky radionuclide generator, which seriously increased the content of radioactive substances . Since 2001, . all the failures have been eliminated, the level of radiation has fallen again to the proper, even nature itself has long forgotten about such an unpleasant episode, and the meteorological station alas, has not returned to his duties . But their good quality and still sturdy house can at times overnight tourists, which does not spare on rare days of serene weather Cape Cape Navarino Navarino .


Address: Chukchi Autonomous Region district, Cape Navarin. How to get there: by plane to the capital of Chukotka Anadyr, then by air to Beringovsky ("Chukotavia"), and from there on the whaleboats, all-terrain vehicles or boats of local residents, depending on the weather conditions. The easiest way to visit Cape Navarin during a cruise in the Far Eastern regions of our homeland, but pleasure is not cheap.