A hundred kilometers from the capital of our homeland, the city-hero of Kaluga stands on the banks of the Oka River. It is perceived as an ordinary average town. A little industry, a little culture, theater-museums of good regional level. However, in the near future everything can change, because in fact, Kaluga has something to boast about, so why be modest?

Kaluga is also called the "cradle of cosmonautics", as it was here that the founder of rocket engineering and cosmonautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky lived and worked.
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Shopping and souvenirs

Honoredly proud kaluzhane its traditional embroidery, which was called Kaluga colored perevit. A rich palette and sophisticated embroidery technique were awarded the World Exhibition in Paris in the distant 1925.

The Kaluga people knew how to handle gingerbread. It is to handle, and not cook, because gingerbread in Kaluga used to be "played": throwing at a distance or kicking the edge of the palm with three parts. By the way, it was not just fun, but a real gambling game. Today, local gingerbread is an excellent souvenir.

Cradle of Cosmonautics

The first "trump card in the sleeve" of Kaluga is Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who lived here and "rocked the cradle of Russian cosmonautics" from 1892 to 1935. This fact was not forgotten by Kaluzhans before, and even on the flag of the city a round satellite on a tripod flaunts. In his honor, the Museum of Cosmonautics was opened in the city and Kaluga State University named after KE Tsiolkovsky was named after him, as well as the square with the monument of the same name.

A huge white building in Art Nouveau style, decorated with something resembling a rocket, is the Cosmonautics Museum .It is considered to be the largest museum in Russia on space themes .Here there are personal belongings of Tsiolkovsky himself, and space equipment, and models of satellites and similar exhibits .It's funny that the Cosmonautics Museum is on a street named after another space scientist - academician C .P.Queen.By the half-century anniversary of man's flight into space, the Museum was updated, a planetarium was built, interesting programs were brought, so today it meets the latest word of science and technology .

Map of Kaluga

"Space" themes are here at every step. Even graffiti depict Yu. A. Gagarin. And young people like to gather in the evenings at the "Ball" - a monument in the form of a ball symbolizing the Earth.

In addition to all the listed facilities, fans and connoisseurs of orbital flights will be interested in visiting the house-museum of K.E. Tsiolkovsky - a nice cozy house, in summer drowning in greenery, where the scientist spent nearly 30 years of such fruitful scientific life.

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Architecture of Kaluga

The next "feature" of Kaluga is its architecture, which, according to scientists, makes this city similar to Moscow in the mid-19th century .And indeed, there are perfectly preserved monuments of architecture, not only the year before, but also the 18th century .The most surprising is that even wooden architecture has survived, and the stone buildings here are represented in all the variety of styles: classicism, Empire style, and baroque .There are a lot of old churches, temples and monasteries in Kaluga, almost all of them are in excellent condition .Very nice looks Kaluga railway station .By the 17th century stone chambers belonged, a little later the Church of the Intercession was built on the moat, George behind the top (so named because of its location, there is also the church of St. George the Victorious behind the benches) .

It is impossible to pass by such beauty as a viaduct of the 18th century through the Berezuevsky ravine .It refers to the Romanesque style in architecture, not very characteristic for this period .There are shopping malls in many Russian cities, but in Kaluga they are made with elements of Gothic .Captures the spirit from the strict lines of the high towers of the Church of Kozma and Damian .Such attractions can be listed for a very long time, much quicker you can get to Kaluga and see everything with your own eyes .By the way, Kaluga is one of the cities of the small Golden Ring of Russia .

Theaters of Kaluga

The cultural life in Kaluga has not become isolated on the cosmos, and it pleases. Here there is a rich theatrical life, at the head of which rises the Kaluga Regional Drama Theater, whose history has already gone for the third century. For the young spectator - Theater for Young People and the Puppet Theater. Art is represented in the picture gallery "Image" and the Kaluga Art Museum. In the latter, by the way, annually there is an exhibition of achievements in the field of trademarks of Russian designers "Golden flea."

Kaluga remembers his famous countrymen. Among them - a well-known scientist, biophysicist Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, bard Bulat Okudzhava, and even False Dmitry II. In Kaluga, the scientific and memorial and cultural center of AL Chizhevsky, the inventor of the famous useful chandelier, operates.

Museums of Kaluga

The kaluga residents also take care of their roots. In 1991, the Museum of Crafts, Architecture and Life was created, which is actively engaged in educational activities. His merit is the restoration of the traditional folk craft of the Kaluga clay toy. There is also such a municipal institution as the "House of Masters".

The Kaluga Local History Museum is one of the main sights of the city. It is located in a merchant's house built in the early XIX century, which more like a small palace than a private house. Moreover, the finishing works were supervised by Italian architect S.P. Campioni, who was invited from Moscow. One of the numerous collections demonstrates the now forgotten art of Kaluga jewelers. The main features of these ornaments are chasing from silver with floral and floral ornament. Photo of Kaluga (72)