The Kirov region is a large and fertile region in the Vyatka basin, the upper reaches of the Kama River in the northeast of the Russian Plain, occupying an area of ​​120,000 square meters, home to about one and a half million people. Center of the Kirov region - Kirov.

The settlement of the region, now called the Kirov region, began back in the second half of the 14th century, and already in the 18th century the Vyatka governorate was formed here, later becoming the Vyatka province, then entering the Nizhny Novgorod region. In 1934, the Kirov region was singled out, and two years later the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was separated from it. The remainder became the Kirov region.

How to get here

You can get to the Kirov region both by land and by sky. For example, 22 kilometers from Kirov there is Pobedilovo airport, from where flights are made to Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Izhevsk, Ufa, Perm, Sochi, Kazan, Naryan-Mar, Anapa. Flights to Sochi and Anapa - seasonal. Today, a large-scale reconstruction of the airport is under way, after which he will be able to take foreign flights.

You can get to Kirov and by train - in addition to the main Trans-Siberian Railway, there are lines connecting the southern and northern regions of Russia.

Search for air tickets to the city of Kirov (nearest a / p to the Kirov region)

Climate of the Kirov region

Winter in the Kirov region is moderately cold, and summer is warm .The coldest month of the year here is January, when the average temperature in the Vyatskiye Polyany, for example, reaches -14 ° C .In the north, the temperature can drop to -48 ° C, and in the south - to -47 ° C .Snow cover begins to melt at the end of March, early April .The warmest month is July, on average the air warms up to +20 ° C, but can rise to + 33-38 degrees above zero .The summer climate of the Kirov region is perfect for traveling around the edge and excursions to its forests and rivers .Autumn begins already at the end of August and lasts, as a rule, until the first days of November .

Book popular hotels of the Kirov region at the best prices

Hilton Garden Inn Kirov from 2 321 rubles Kirov Oktiabrskiy prospekt 145/1 Alfa Hotel from 1 300 rub. Kirov Moskovskaya Ulitsa 129 А
ART Hotel from 1 900 rub. Kirov Gertsena Street 88 Сentralnaya Hotel from 2 320 rub. Kirov Lenina Street, 80 Stariy Dvorik from 1 900 rub. Kirov Mopra Street 52
Intourist from 1 300 rub. Kirov Surikova Street 19

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Kirov region

In the Kirov region there are many attractions that deserve attention - architectural monuments, natural and cultural sites, reserves and museums. For example, Lake Lezhninsky, which attracts not only curious tourists, but also divers. The legend says that the lake appeared 400 years ago right before the eyes of local residents: first a funnel was formed, into which the structures collapsed, then the funnel was filled with water.

According to scientists, the version about the origin of Lake Lezhninsky can be based on real events - it is possible that the vaults of the cave, which is today a bowl for the lake, have collapsed. This clear and clean lake today is a great place to go diving or underwater hunting.

Another lake in the Kirov region, surrounded by legends, has a sonorous name Shaitan - on its surface floats islets that come off the coast and are covered with trees and bushes, and the surface is sometimes violated by sharp water discharges in the form of 10-meter fountains that used to frighten locals and caused a number of mystical stories about these places.

Lebyazhye fortified settlement

State natural reserve "Nurgush"

In the Kotelnichesky district of the Kirov region there is a specially protected nature reserve "Nurgush" .In general, these are just two plots, "Nurgush" and "Tulashor", which are at a distance of 370 kilometers from each other .Numerous lakes, coniferous-broad-leaved forests, a lot of different kinds of animals and birds - all this is a protected area, on which the most interesting excursions are made .Only on the "Nurgush" site there are about 30 species of fish and about 200 species of birds .The number of lakes located on the territory of the reserve is more than 80, not counting the small ones .More than 90 percent of the reserve is an array of broad-leaved-coniferous forests .

Cathedrals and temples of the Kirov region

Kirov region is famous for its architectural monuments. So, the Velikoretsky temple complex in the village of Velikorecki is a real decoration of the region and its shrine. This temple is a place of pilgrimage for many Orthodox Christians. Until now, preserved such structures of the complex as the St. Nicholas Church (1822-1839 gg.), The Transfiguration Church (1739), Gostiny Dvor, shopping arcades, the Ilyinskaya Belltower (1860). Now the territory of the complex is occupied by a man's monastery, novices of the monastery take care of the restoration of the temple.

Every year on June 6, more than 15,000 pilgrims gather on the banks of the Great River to celebrate the Holy Cross.

In the city of Urzhum, in the homeland of Sergei Kirov, there is another landmark and architectural monument of the Kirov region - the Holy Trinity Cathedral, which rivetes to itself immediately upon entering the city. Its domes, covered with white tin, poured into the sun and majestically rise above the ancient Urzhum.

If you are interested in ancient Russian architecture, then be sure to visit the village of Nizhniy Pochinok, where the wooden church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built in the 18th century, was preserved. Today it is open to all comers in the status of the museum.

Elegant and majestic complex Lalsky Cathedral complex is located in the north-east of the region, in the town of Lalsk, once a rich merchant city .The complex is located on a hill, on the right bank of the river called Lapa, it includes such buildings as the Cathedral of the Resurrection of the Lord, the Cathedral of the Annunciation, the bell tower and others .The complex is surrounded by picturesque natural landscapes, and it itself is clearly visible from the main road .And if you are interested in ancient Russian architecture, then be sure to visit the village of Nizhniy Pochinok, where the wooden church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built, built in the 18th century .Today it is open to everyone who wants to be in the museum's status .


Sights of Kirov

In Kirov itself there are a lot of sights, which are obligatory for viewing. For example, the arboretum of foresters in the Kirov region, the largest park in the city, located in the settlement of Liangasi and covering an area of ​​50 hectares. Coniferous forest, sites with young trees, a pond, deciduous forest, a landscaped area with benches and information boards - a great place for walking and getting to know the flora and fauna of the region. There is even a cafeteria and rental of equipment for active recreation on site.

If you are interested in cultural rest, then by all means visit the Vyatka Art Museum named after VM and AM Vasnetsov, located on Karl Marx Street, where the best collection of Vasnetsov's paintings is collected in Russia, a small but very interesting Vyatka Paleontological Museum, the house -Museum of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, etc.

Kirov region is a land rich in architectural and cultural monuments, a land with a rich historical heritage. Be sure to come to the Kirov region for rest, including extreme, and feel the involvement with the beauty and richness of these places. Photo of the Kirov region (2)