The village with the romantic name of Laurence, located in the east of Chukotka, is not famous for its rabid amount of attractions or some special atmosphere - this is a hard-to-reach and very cold place traditional for this harsh land. However, tourists come here, moreover - often they stay here to spend the night in anticipation when on their air or helicopter flight they finally give "good", and it will be possible to again go to study the amazing riches of this northern corner of Russia.

How to get there

Address: Chukotsky Autonomous Okrug, Chukotsky District, Lavrentiya village

How to get there: from Anadyr, 600 km to Lavrentia, you can fly to Chukotavia in a couple of hours

Most of the inhabitants of the village - These are the Chukchi and Eskimos, who are engaged in their traditional crafts, that is reindeer herding and sea mammal hunting

The paragraph of history

Funny, but in the Chukchi village of Lavrentiya sounds like "Kytryn", which translates as "dry pebble spit". And his usual name, he received not from anyone, but directly from Sir James Cook - a famous British traveler. Sailing in 1778 along the bay in which the settlement is located, he gave him a name according to the church calendar in honor of St. Lawrence. And it was from the bay that the village got its name.

Lavrentia village
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What to see

Most of the inhabitants of the village are Chukchi and Eskimos, who are engaged in their traditional craft, that is reindeer herding and sea mammal hunting. Directly the village represents three streets, on which there are a school, a kindergarten, a library, a hospital, a cultural center and even one night club. Among the sights can be noted the Laurentian Museum of Local History, as well as the Orthodox Church of Archangel Michael.

Every July-August hundreds of tourists and residents of the surrounding villages flock to the village, after all the festival of sea hunters "Beringia" is taking place here. Culmination of the holiday is the traditional race in the Chukchi-Eskimo baidara.

Attractions "fattier" should be sought outside the village, for example, in the distance of 27 km Lorinsky Keys - a deposit of mineral heat energy water. And in the south of Laurentia, just 17 km, you can visit the historical and cultural complex "Yandogai". On its picturesque territory there is an ancient Chukchi settlement, which dates back to the scientists of the 1st millennium AD. e.