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The word "deserts" means "a monastery in a remote desert area," and Mamontova is named after the founder of the elder Mamant. It was he, according to legend, found here in three limes a large full-length icon of St. Nicholas, which was the reason for the establishment of the monastery.


The monastery was founded in the Tambov region in the 17th century and initially suffered greatly from poverty and the lack of population. But gradually the monastery filled and began to flourish. In the 18th century it was abolished, but all constructions were left, and in the 19th century even new extensions appeared. This time is marked by the appearance here of amazing growth wooden sculptures - a unique monument of ancient Russian architecture. All of them were skillfully carved and covered with gold leaf.

In the 20th century, scientists were very interested in these monuments and managed to take them out of the monastery literally 6 years before the destruction of the monastery by the Soviet authorities. Today the sculptures are kept in the Morshansk Art Museum.


In 2003, the monastery began its revival, building a church, a chapel and a font for believers in its place. The fact is that the Holy Lake, on the shore of which the monastery stood, was considered curative.

An interesting fact: the revival of the desert was also interested in the famous sculptor Zurab Tsereteli and presented a bronze statue of St. Nicholas to the monastery. However, the ruling bishop refused the gift, because the Orthodox saint was executed in the Western canons: he had a cardinal mantle, and the Gospel was also holding his armpit.

Today the monastery is decorated with a statue of sculptor Sergei Isakov, depicting Nicholas the Miracle-Worker almost in the same form as he is presented on the legendary icon: in one hand holding a sword, and in another - a restored temple.

By the way about the icon: she also portrayed St. Nicholas the Savior in full growth and was executed on a linden board in two arshins long. Archbishop Mir of Lycia on the icon is shown in a full bishop's vestment, decorated with gilded crosses. In his right hand he has, as already said, a sword, and in the left - the object of church utensils - a tabernacle. The image is decorated with a silver salary, and on the back there is an inscription: "Nikola Mozhaysky."

Interestingly, of the three pines in the canopy of which the icon was found, the elder Mamant made church utensils and then used it in the service.

How to get here

The address of the monastery: Tambov region, Sosnovsky district, Otjas village council, p. Mamontovo.

You can go by bus "Tambov - Morshansk" from Tambov to the Otanya station.

Mammoth Desert