Experienced divers a small resort village on the west coast of the Crimea is known for certain, but if you only dream of learning to explore the depths of the sea, then you have a direct road to Olenevka. This bay is the best place for diving and surfing in the Black Sea.

Olenevka among tourists who have been here is invariably associated with Tarkhankut. Surprising in its beauty and natural power, the cape gives travelers the opportunity not only to admire it, take beautiful pictures, but also dive from steep cliffs to the sea.

Olenevka among tourists who have been here is invariably associated with Tarkhankut. Surprising in its beauty and natural power, the cape gives travelers the opportunity not only to admire it, take picturesque pictures, but also dive from steep cliffs to the sea. Fans of a relaxing holiday will find in Olenivke wide sandy beaches with traditional entertainment and about a dozen boarding houses for comfortable living.

How to get to Olenivka

From Moscow to Evpatoria there are two trains: one - from Kievsky station, the second - from Kursk, he passing, follows from St. Petersburg .So here is a reserved seat costing 3 to a little thousand rubles, a compartment seat - 5 and a half .From the Evpatoria train station, walk to the bus station (about 100 meters) and take the bus to Olenivka .The blessing them is a lot of, and the road will take two hours .Another option is to fly to Simferopol .Aircraft depart from Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo, air tickets from 6 thousand rubles (this is off-season) .And then - like in the first case - a bus, only from Simferopol it will go 3 hours a little .

Cape Tarkhankut. Olenevka

Climate of Olenivka

Summer in Olenivka is hot and dry, relief comes in the evening, it brings sea breezes. The temperature usually ranges from 19 ° C to 28 ° C, but sometimes also 40 ° C. But you can swim in the sea earlier than in other resorts of the Black Sea coast: the water already warms up to 22 ° C in May.

Where to stay in Olenivka

There are no sanatoriums in Olenevka, but rather private hotels and mini-boarding houses .As a rule, they are 5 minutes walk from the sea .It is popular among tourists who come to Olenivka, renting accommodation from local residents .You can rent a bed without amenities or a decent cottage with a swimming pool, prices range from 200 rubles per person to 1000 .You should only know that sometimes in the village there are water and electricity interruptions .Many come to Tarkhankut with tents and live in them for weeks .The conclusion can be made here one: in Olenevka there is a place for all travelers - who prefer comfort and nahihavshim for the blessings of civilization .

Attractions, excursions and entertainment in Olenivka

The sea, the sun, sand and rocks - these are the main components of a wonderful holiday in Olenivka. Plus to this on the beach, the only and free, there are scooters, boats, water buns. You can rent bicycles or go horse riding on winding paths. For tourists with children it's enough for this, but loving couples, and single-minded extremists here will find something to their liking.

The alley of the leaders is a museum under the water, it is the cabinet busts of the leaders and leaders of socialism established in the water under the water in the USSR. The alley was created by artists from Donetsk in the early 90s of the last century.


Atlesh is a rock that stretches along the coast and its unbridled nature, and even in the human eye, is the pearl of Tarkhankut. Here the gaze of the traveler opens picturesque bays, menacing cliffs, wide grottoes, coastal niches and - in places - stone arches. In fact, this is a natural reserve - a paleontological museum in the open air. Here scientists made unusual finds, for example, found an imprint of a fossil fish, the length of which exceeds 1 meter! But the main thing: Atlesh is a fabulously beautiful place!

The tract is divided into the Big and Small Atlesh. On the small promontory there is a through 98-meter tunnel. Here, such films as "Amphibian Man", "Pirates of the 20th Century" were shot.


To sink to the bottom of the sea in Olenevka - it's a shame .Services for experienced divers as well as for pioneers in this matter are offered by all who are not too lazy: professional clubs (Pelican, Afaline), and local residents with appropriate equipment .Those who are wearing a diving suit for the first time are invited to look at the Alley of Chiefs .This museum, located 70 meters from the shore at a depth of 13 meters, it is installed under the water cabinet busts of the communist leaders of the USSR .The alley was created by artists from Donetsk in the early 90s of the last century .

You do not need to bring diving equipment to Olenivka, you can rent it. In clubs there will always be suitable sizes of suits, bottles, masks, but local residents do not always have what they need.

Bowl of Love

This is the name of a closed natural pool filled with transparent (although where it is cloudy in Olenivka ?!) sea water, with a diameter of about 20 meters. This natural jacuzzi is located 8 km from the village. Especially the Bowl of Love is popular with young people, obviously for the opportunity to arrange a romantic date in it. This is facilitated by an ancient tradition, according to which two lovers who jumped into the water and did not open their hands, will live a long happy life.

It was in the Cup of Love that many episodes of films and commercials were filmed.


At Cape Tarkhankut is a powerful lighthouse, and inside - a curious museum. Here you can see a variety of anchors.

Olenevka. Diving

Cape of Karamrun

On the Cape of Karamrun once belonged the estate of General Vasily Popov - personal secretary of Prince Potemkin. These lands he got in the late 18th century, then there appeared a manor house, a garden and a park. Now the estate is restored, it is part of a large boarding house "Sunny Valley."

Prices are indicated for 2014.