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Podlemorye is a part of the north-eastern coast of Lake Baikal from Dagara Bay in the north and up to the valley of the Bolshaya Chivyrkui River in the south. This vast coastal plain near the lake, which gradually turns into the slopes of the Barguzinsky range. There are traces of ancient glaciation on the entire Braguzinsky ridge throughout the Podlomorie

Fun, sightseeing and sightseeing

There are a lot of natural attractions, natural monuments, archeology and history on the territory of the Podlomorie. Two specially protected natural areas function here: the Barguzinsky State Biosphere Reserve and the State National Park "Zabaikalsky", within which the most attractive and convenient places for tourism are located.

The natural coastal objects of the northern Podlemorie are: Daghara Bay, Cape Birokan, cape Nemnyanda, Frolikha Bay and Frolikha Lake, Aya and Hakusa Coves, the rocky Cape Turali, the Tompa River (Tompuda), the Szegnanda River, the Pongon Cape (Tolsty), the Kabanja and Bolshaya Gulf, Davsha Bay; Cape Valukan (Zyryansky), Shumilikha river.

Specialization of the Sea of ​​Azov: beach rest and rest in tent camping, eco tourism, rural tourism, water tourism, yachting, diving, trekking, fishing, active tourism in the foothills of the Barguzinsky ridge and on the mountainous areas the Holy Nose peninsula. In winter, this area is popular for ice fishing and ski trips on the lake ice.

 Podlemorye, Republic of Buryatia  Podlemorye
 Lake Frolikha, Podlemorye, Republic of Buryatia  Podlemorie
Lake Frolikha, Podlemorie
 Saint Nos, Podlemorye, Republic of Buryatia  Podlemorye
Saint Nose, Podlemorie