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spiritual and cultural citadel "Warriors Sloboda" - an unusual architectural complex created tolyattinskim artist Victor Petrov, in the tradition of ancient wooden architecture in the picturesque location of the Zhiguli Mountains on the banks of the beautiful River Mustache, tributary of the Volga. To visit a fairy tale - both adults and, of course, children dream about it. And this seemingly unrealizable wish is fulfilled in good Sloboda Sloboda

Warriors -. Town with wooden houses, heroic lists, towers and Terem over the steep bank of Usinsk, under which in the mouth of a wooded ravine rocking on the waves of a real boat under sail scarlet.

Your path runs through the picturesque places of the Samarskaya Luka National Park through protected forests and meadows, and suddenly a palisade with a gate guarded by a log watchtower appears at the edge of the forest, and a small town with wooden and zbami, heroic lists, towers and Terem over the steep bank of Usinsk, under which in the mouth of a wooded ravine rocking on the waves of a real boat under sail scarlet . The dream to be in a fairy tale here leads tourists from different countries visited . Here the first persons State and honorary guests from the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Japan and other countries .

Nikita Mikhalkov in 2000 filmed the film "The City of the Holy Cross" about the main attraction of "Sloboda" - the All-Russian School of Orthodox Culture "Russian Bogatyr."

How to get

fall into a fabulous side called Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, keep your direction with. The Zhiguli. The most convenient way to get to the Zhiguli is to fly to Samara (for 1 hour 35 minutes and about 5 thousand rubles), and from there you can get to Zhiguli by bus from the Central Bus Station, the ticket costs up to 200 rubles, the journey time is about 2 hours.

Search for air tickets to Samara (the nearest airport to the Samara region)

You can arrive in Zhiguli by train or car. In any of these cases, choose the direction of Togliatti and move in it. The ticket price from Moscow (the Moscow-Togliatti train runs daily from the Kazan station) from 1000 (in a sitting car) to 5000 rubles. (luxury car), a reserved seat will cost you about 1500 rubles, the journey time will be approximately 17 hours

By car to Zhiguli, take the highway M5 Moscow - Chelyabinsk. Once in Zhiguli, head towards Usinsky Gulf and at the gates of the tourist center, where the asphalt ends, turn left into meadows, a couple of kilometers the road will lead you to this either a fairy tale or the revived scenery of the film about the Middle Ages

Bogatyrskaya Sloboda

Where to stay

To always welcome guests in Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, there is always a refectory-Gridnitsa with 150 seats, a Fisherman's Lodge and a Fisherman's Bath, a Horse-riding yard and much more. In the territory there are also guest houses where you can stay for a long time. Rent of such a house - from 1000 to 1600 rubles per day. If you wish, you can rent a 4-person ancient Russian tent, it will cost you 400 rubles per day, or live in a tent with 200 rubles per day.

In the Kremlin it is customary to go to Russian national clothes, they rent it out for 300 rubles. By the way, it helps a lot with the atmosphere of old Russia.

What to see and what to do

Of course, there are many tempting offers in Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, sharpened for tourists, guests will be met with bread and salt by the stone of three roads, gates guarded 33 heroes, you can ride a horse, go under the scarlet old Russian Sailing boat with oars, a taste of princely Russian cuisine, try the forces in good fight, swim in the river and more

One of the most exciting fun -. skiing way yah under scarlet sails.
You will accept chain mail and helmets, learn how to set and chop sails, row on oars. The path runs through the most interesting places of the Samara Bend with a stop at the most beautiful beaches, you can visit museums, architectural ensembles, chapels and monuments, churches and monasteries, springs and rocks, try the Russian national cuisine, cooked on the fire and coals, relax on the golden sands, swim , to fish, and also to compete in heroic amusements one on one or a squad for a squad. The cost of all this - from 150 to 3000 rubles.


They like holidays in Bogatyrskaya Sloboda and festivals and festivals. In May, you can take part in the contest "Russian Beauty", in June - in the holiday of the literary fairy tale "At the Lukomorya Oak Green" and in the holiday of Russian drinks "Bratina", in July - in the holiday of Russian hand-to-hand combat "Bogatyrskaya Silushka". An interesting entertaining program offers Bogatyrskaya Sloboda and in winter. Undoubtedly one thing: you will fall in love with this glorious land and be sure to come back here!

All prices are for summer 2013

 Bogatyri, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, Samara region  Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
Bogatyri, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
 Bogatyrskaya Sloboda @ Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, Samara region  Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
 Entrance, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, Samara region  Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
Entrance, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
 Fairytale stone, Bogatyrskaya with rim, Samara Region  Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
Fairytale Stone, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
 Church Church, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, Samara Region  Bogatyrskaya Sloboda
Tserkvushka, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda