The Samara region, whose territories became part of Russia only in the 16th century, and before that belonged to the Kazan Khanate, is one of the most picturesque regions of the Volga region, which managed to preserve its unique flora and fauna, despite the densely populated, urban growth and industrial development. On the territory of the Samara region there are unique natural and architectural monuments. First of all, tourists are attracted here by the Samarskaya Luka, the picturesque Soksky Yary, the cities of Samara and Togliatti

As for event tourism, life in the Samara region is simply boiling. The event calendar is packed with sports events, cultural events, music festivals and just well organized holidays. Choose any event to your liking and join the life of the region.
 Samara region
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How to get here

From Moscow to Samara there is a special train "Zhiguli", from St. Petersburg - no less firm "Samara". It is worth noting that for the ticket in these trains you will have to fork out, but very much your rest will begin right during the trip, which promises to be deprived of all road inconveniences and difficulties. There are also more budgetary options, they pass the distance from Moscow to Samara during the night

In Samara there is Kurumoch airport, which receives flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg. You can get to the city center from there by bus or taxi.

Search for air tickets to the city of Samara (the nearest airport to the Samara region)

Samara region's climate

Samara region is in the belt of the continental arid climate. The frost-free period in the Volga valley lasts from April 29 to October 4. The warmest month is July (+21 ° C), and the coldest month is January (down to -14 ° C). Fans of heat and sun will like to rest in June, when the sun is already warmly warming, but still does not burn.
The ideal is August for the trip to the Samara region - both the warmth and the water have already warmed up, so you can swim and sunbathe on the picturesque Volga banks.
Well, if you are a skier, welcome at the end of January - February , when the dense snow cover will fully enjoy the frosty air, magnificent landscapes, and, of course, your favorite sport.
 Samara Region
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Cuisine and restaurants

Cuisine in the Samara region, as well as in the whole country, is the most diverse .There is no shortage of restaurants in Russian, Ukrainian, Japanese, Italian and even Irish cuisine .However, travelers are advised not only to eat in the famous restaurants of Samara and Togliatti, but also to dine in nearby villages (Shiryaev, Alakayevka, Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, Zhiguli), try the dishes of real Russian cuisine, taste freshly caught Volga fish cooked specially for you on charcoal, drink real Russian kvass, jelly or anything and stronger .So, treat yourself in the villages on the bank of the Volga, you will not forget the taste of these native Russian dishes for a long time, and you will visit the Italian restaurant at home .

Go to the Italian restaurant at home, and when you are in the Samara region, do not miss the chance to taste delicious dishes according to old Russian recipes in original rural interiors overlooking the sparkling Volga in the sun.


Places where you can always find souvenirs is, of course, the auto and train station .There is in Samara and a specialized souvenir shop in the street Samara, next to the square it .Vysotsky, where souvenirs with Samara symbols are presented .Nizhny Novgorod Khokhloma, eggs, scarves and nesting dolls, Samara toys from Lora Gorodetska - this all causes genuine interest among tourists .Also popular are souvenirs of the famous Zhigulevskaya artel: bogatyrs, whistles and handmade dolls, painted wooden souvenirs of the Syzran school, brownies, wards .Everything is done carefully and with a soul - that in our time is appreciated especially high, but despite this money for a lot of such crafts will not be asked - masters to the same conscientious .
Prices for souvenirs in Samara and surrounding villages are very democratic - from 30 rubles

Entertainment, excursions and sights of the Samara region

Samara - the center of the region - attracts tourists with a long promenade, memorable monuments, spacious squares (Kuibyshev Square - the largest in Europe), green parks, as well as the largest museum of the Volga region - Samara art, the gem of which is called the collection of Russian avant-garde, and, of course, the opportunity to visit The oldest brewery in Russia is Zhigulevsky.

Children in Samara will be happy to spend time in Gagarin Park, because here you can ride on artificial canals by boats, water bicycles, watch military equipment of the Second World War and have fun at attractions.

In Zhigulevsk, in addition to natural attractions, it is interesting to see how the water is discharged at once the world's largest hydroelectric power station.

In the north-west of the region, in the direction of Togliatti, is the Big Tsarevschina (the village of Volzhsky). There stands a unique Church of the Nativity of Christ and Tsarev Kurgan. Togliatti itself is famous for its Preobrazhensky and Pokrovsky cathedrals, the Varvarinsky church, the VAZ technical museum, where different techniques are collected - from old sewing machines to a modern submarine.
Back in Togliatti there are two very beautiful churches: in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In the east, in Alakayevka, there is a house museum of the Ulyanov family. There is a monument to nature Murave forest nearby.

In Shiryaevo, Ilya Repin and Alexander Shiryaevets house-museum, Shiryaevskie galleries, a stone bowl with a source, the Camel Mountain are interesting.

Syzran is a well-preserved merchant city of the 19th century. There you can see the remains of the Syzran Kremlin, the Kazan Cathedral and the Art Nouveau buildings.

In the Samara region much attention is paid to the ancient Russian culture and history as a whole. In the south-west of the region is the Center for Historical Modeling "Ancient World", where ancient sites of people are found. Now they have arranged a unique exhibition-reconstruction of the houses of the Stone and Bronze Ages.

Bogatyrskaya Sloboda - a project to revive the ancient Russian culture. There is an architectural complex, where a variety of folklore festivals are held.

Samarskaya Luka National Park

Samara Luka - a peninsula in the bend of the Volga, the whole territory of which is divided into the Zhigulevsky Reserve and the Samarskaya Luka National Park .The popularity of the Samara Luke was greatly affected by the beauty of the local mountains combined with the blue necklace of the Volga framing them, unique flora and fauna, and a peculiar microclimate .In the Zhigulevsky Reserve named after I .AND.Sprygina is worth exploring the Strelnaya Mountain, Bakhilov Glade (Sheludyak Rock), Mogutov Hill (included in the UNESCO Register), Molodetsky Mound and Devju Mountain, Lepeshka Mountain and the bed of the disappearing Asukuly River .Entrance and entry to the territory of the reserve - by passes (paid, but inexpensive) .It is best to go with an excursion or purchase a pass in Zhigulevsk, in the administration of the reserve .

World fame to Samara Luka was reduced by the beauty of the local mountains combined with the blue necklace of the Volga framing them, unique flora and fauna, and also a peculiar microclimate.
Zhigulevsky Nature Reserve in the Samara Region

Music Festivals

One of the largest is the All-Russia Festival of the Author's Song named after Valery Grushin, in common parlance "Grusha". In 2013, the 40th, jubilee, festival will be held from 4 to 7 July at Fedorovskie Meadows near Togliatti. Fans of the bardic song also meet at the Zakharovsky meeting in the second weekend of June and at the World of Bards festival, which annually marks the last weekend of June

Fans of rock music are coming to the Samara region. For them, one of the biggest festivals "Rock over the Volga" has been organized here, which has been held since 2009 in the first half of June, the All-Russia rock festival "Kayeli" (Samara, April) and the rock festival "Dissolve your kleshi" (second half September). And on the second Saturday of September the Samara festival "The Beatles Forever" invites fans of rock'n'roll.

The most "cheerful" festival of the Ravens' Fest area is devoted to music in the style of "Gothic", and the hardiest are waiting at the festival of electronic music and extreme sports "GES FEST", which lasts for several days.

After your nerves are badly shattered, and the forces are exhausted by rock, gothic and extreme, you can restore balance to the sounds of cello and piano at the classic music festival "Classic Openfest" - Togliatti, August 5-25. And at the end of June the festival "Drums of the World" also gathers friends.

In 2013, the festival "Drums of the World" will be 10th, anniversary, and will be held June 28-30 near Togliatti, on the "Green Coast", and on June 24-27 the drum camp "Deep Dive", book a lodging it is possible on ph. (8482) 48-98-32, 48-96-25, 717-847.

Cultural events and holidays

If you are interested in fine arts, be sure to visit the international biennial "Between Europe and Asia", which takes place in August of every odd year in Shiryaev, near Zhiguli. Do not miss the chance to visit the "LukAmorye" Ecological Festival, which unites cultural traditions, folklore, national cuisine and crafts.

The international festival "Cinema for Children" takes place in Samara from 1996 in April and in September.
If you like noisy festivities, take part in the August festival-festival "Syzran tomato", dedicated to a tomato growing in Syzran, or come to the "Museum picnic" in Togliatti - this holiday is held annually (usually in May) by the Local Lore Museum on the site in front of its building (Lenin Boulevard).
Zhiguli Mountains

Sport events

The Samara region can boast of a variety of sporting events. Everyone knows the "Zhigulevskaya round-the-world trip" - a multi-day water tourist trek on yalas and kayaks along the Volga around the Samarskaya Luka National Park, which starts in late April-early May. Fans of sailing will have to taste the sailing regatta to them. V. Vysotsky, first organized in 2001

The all-Russian ecological marathon "Samarskaya Luka", which takes place in October in Shiryaev, will please athletes who are impatient to poke their muscles, and the Open Championship of the Samara region, held in March in Togliatti, awaits lovers of wakeboarding. Free entrance for spectators.

An outlet for fans of winter extreme sports is the snow-kiting championship "Zhigulevskoe Sea", a snowmobile Snowdogs in Tolyatti (since 2004) and the "Ski Track of Russia" competition in Togliatti and Samara. The latter is held annually and invites participants from 12 to 70 years old.

"The ski track of Russia" is held in Togliatti and Samara annually, participation in the competition can take anyone from 12 to 70 years old, which is called both old and young.

In July and August, on the shore of the Usinskiy Gulf, in the Zhiguli Mountains in the Spiritual and Cultural Kremlin Bogatyrskaya Sloboda, the National International Day of Russian Hand-to-Hand Combat "Bogatyrskaya Silushka" is held, which presents various types of ancient and modern types of Russian hand-to-hand combat, master classes from leading experts of applied systems, sports (such as throwing a knife, an ax, shooting from a bow, self-fire, slingshots, fighting on spears, axes, axes, etc.), amusing battles (on a log, mounted fights).

And the fans of auto and motorcycle racing in Togliatti in May waiting for the motocross, in September and October - the rally "Silver Rook", and in October - the speedway competition "Anatoly Stepanov Memorial." If your favorite transport is a bicycle, take part in the August cycling marathon "Samarskaya Luka".

Traditionally, the stars of the world speedway are invited to the "Anatoly Stepanov Memorial" - A. Johnson, N. Pedersen and others.

Photo of the Samara region (42)