Rushing to all sorts of foreign countries, the Russians later found out for a while - at home, it's no worse, and sometimes even better .A person with weakened health can hardly tolerate acclimatization surprises, heavy flights and unusual food .And instead of rest gets only trouble in the form of aggravation of chronic sores .Cardinal changes in most cases to a weakened organism cause only irreparable harm .Full rest, quality care and treatment can be obtained without crossing the border, in the usual climatic zone .

One of these places is the Nizhny Novgorod region, rich in natural resources: mineral waters and curative mud .About thirty different kinds of sanatoriums, including children's, there are in this area, and many of them will offer their guests mineral water from their own wells and mud baths .Problems of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, nervous disorders, gynecological diseases - this is an incomplete list of what will help to cope in health-improving institutions .In addition, there are sanatoriums offering special programs for pregnant women and women suffering from infertility .All sanatoriums are equipped with the latest technology, but in addition, alternative treatment is used there, such as acupuncture, beekeeping, hirudotherapy .And as for such non-medicinal methods as physiotherapy, therapeutic baths, all kinds of massages and SPA procedures, one can not say - everyone chooses the sanatorium, the treatment method of which is suitable for him .

Popular health centers

The four most famous sanatoriums of the Nizhny Novgorod region are known not only in Russia, but also abroad. In the resort zone of the Green City is located a sanatorium with the same name and a sanatorium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. In the Gorodetsky district, the sanatorium "Gorodetsky" and in the Borsky region - a sanatorium with a poetic name "Motorist". What is so famous for these institutions?

Mineral water, which is used in the sanatorium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, without exaggeration can be called alive. With gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes and kidney diseases, it gives magical results. With other water, called Gorkovskaya-2, mineral baths are prescribed in the treatment of many gynecological diseases, nervous disorders, problems with the musculoskeletal apparatus.

Another magic remedy for many diseases is the so-called Shatka mud.

Each sanatorium offers its visitors something special that distinguishes it from others. The highlight of the sanatorium of the AUCCTU is treatment of obesity and a specially developed program for the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Gorodetsky sanatorium has its sources of mineral water and mud. The healing pool with mineral water is unique in its kind. Muds also have a difference - they include peat. Well-established such a set of natural resources in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, gastroenterological diseases and neurology.

The highlight of the Gorodets sanatorium is a program for the treatment of liver and infertility. Peat mud together with water contributes to this. Also, a low-cholesterol low-calorie diet is offered here, which helps to reduce cholesterol and weight.

"Green City" is a cardiological sanatorium. It is located in a place absolutely beyond the winds - which creates a special microclimate of this place. Sanatorium "Green City" is a climatic pearl of Nizhny Novgorod resorts. The area in which it is located is absolutely non-renewable.

In this sanatorium can come not only people who need treatment, but also just tired citizens. Most often these are management employees and businessmen. Drowsiness or insomnia, irritability or inhibition - any of these signs with a busy schedule may indicate that a person has fallen into such trouble as a syndrome of chronic fatigue. If in time to stop the onset of the disease, then there is a chance to be vigorous and healthy to flock into their habitual life.

Sanatorium "Motorist" also offers its visitors treatment with shatkovsky mud. Mineral water, the source of which is located on the territory of the sanatorium, has proved itself in the treatment of diabetes, kidney and gastroenterological diseases.

Entertainment during treatment and rest

But man does not live by mud alone. If you completely fixate on the diseases, you can not even know that the Nizhny Novgorod region is rich not only with curative natural resources. Cultural leisure - an integral part of the rest of any self-respecting person. To visit Nizhny Novgorod and not to visit the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is an unforgivable mistake. Museums Khokhloma, architecture, folk crafts - entertainment is enough for every taste.

Three holy springs, located near the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery, can be the reason for an interesting excursion. For fans of Pushkin's creativity there is also a proposal: Boldino - a family estate, where the poet created, and the museum of Alexander Sergeevich opened in it.

For lovers of active recreation here, too, expanse - the Volga and the Gorky reservoir, which is popularly called the Gorky Sea, are wonderful places for swimming and fishing. A walk on the ship will not leave indifferent neither children nor adults.

Do not forget to buy souvenirs before your departure to your friends and relatives - dishes with Khokhloma painting and carved wooden products will be a pleasant gift.