Russian Switzerland
Russian Switzerland, Republic of Bashkortostan To visit Russian Switzerland, you will not need a visa and confirmation of financial solvency. This is the name of the village in the south-west of Bashkortostan, on the Bugulma-Belebeev Upland. And her name is quite official!
Uchalinsky District, Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkirian Stonehenge - this is the name of the small village of Akhunovo in the Uchaly district of the republic. It originated in the 18th century as a border post on the border with Russia, but the world spoke of Ahunovo only at the end of the 20th when a megalithic complex was opened here, in other words, the oldest observatory.
Bashkir reserve
Republic of Bashkortostan , Burzyan district Bashkir reserve is a unique island of nature. Although, of course, geographically this is not an island, but if you choose an ecological rest, then this is one of the best places in Russia. The whole territory is beautiful forests with unique plants. Here grow 110 rare species, including 14 orchids.
Waterfall Atysh
Many tourists, Russians and does not know that our country, too, have something to boast about - this multi-Kivach in Karelia, and Talnikovsky Falls on the Taimyr Peninsula and Kuril Ilya Muromets, and, of course, the most beautiful waterfall of Bashkortostan -. Atysh
Mount Iremel always attracted people, and although ancient b Ashkir there was a belief that forbids climbing this mountain to ordinary people, today the climb to the still majestic and at the same time hospitable Iremel is an unforgettable trip!
Kandrykul Tuymazinsky district, Republic of Bashkortostan Republic of Bashkortostan Attractions
Attractions Republic of Bashkortostan Sports complex "Kandrykul" is located in a picturesque area on the shores of the lake - the second largest in Bashkortostan . Primordial nature and clean air attract many tourists, making Kandrykul one of the most popular holiday destinations.
ski resort "Kush "Tau" is located on the eastern slope of the mountain of the same name in the vicinity of the city of Sterlitamak. On the part of the western and southern slopes of the mountain skirts the White River, and thanks to clean air and pristine nature Kush-Tau is a popular holiday destination
National Park "Bashkiria"
Republic of Bashkortostan, Meleuz district, p. Nugush Bashkiria National Park is an ideal place for nature lovers. Tourists are attracted by picturesque forests, fast rivers, mysterious caves. Tens of thousands of people visit the park every year. The most attractive places for tourists -. White River and Nugush, Nugush and Yumaguzinskaya reservoir Kutukskoe tract
Nugush Reservoir Republic of Bashkortostan Republic of Bashkortostan Attractions
Attractions Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkortostan is famous for its natural beauty, places , from which breathtaking, there are many in the republic, but the Nugush reservoir is a pearl! It is also called a man-made sea or, more modestly, a lake. In the summer tourists from all over Russia come here
Dinosaur Park in Bashkiria
Abzelilovsky District, Ulyanda Village The present park of the Jurassic period. Here you can see with your own eyes ichthyosaurus, iguanodont, tyrannosaurus, brachiosaurus - only 28 dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago! "Dinosaur" is an amusement park and a reserve of formidable dinosaurs at the same time, the largest complex in the country, located in the open air.
Republic of BashkortostanThe Shulgan-Tash cave is the main attraction of the reserve of the same name on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which for many years has been called the scientific literature as Kapova and only in recent decades has returned its ancient name.
Natural attractions of the Republic of Bashkortostan - the majestic mountain Iremel, on top of which you can climb, and the "man-made sea" Nugush reservoir, on the banks of which it is so nice to relax in one of vacation homes . Very beautiful and, importantly, untouched nature can be seen on the expanses of national parks in Bashkortostan - for example, in the Bashkiria Nature Reserve . Its landscapes are extremely diverse There are also picturesque forests and fast rivers, and mysterious caves . Fans of skiing, as well as all those whose heart stops at the sight of the majestic beauty of winter landscapes, are invited to active and not very rest in the ski resorts "Kush- Tau, Kandrykul and the Abzakovo base .
You can learn more about the rich and ancient history of the region in the village of Akhunovo, where there is a mysterious megalithic complex of stone structures, called the Bashkir Stonehenge. After that, to "consolidate knowledge" is definitely worth visiting the cave Shulgan-Tash with its amazing rock paintings. Well, imagine what life was on the planet long before the appearance of homo sapiens, you can in the Park of Dinosaurs.