Soko-Banya is a health center for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of nonspecific lung diseases. The resort is located in eastern Serbia, 60 km from the city of Nis.
Excursions in Serbia from 10 EUR.
Guide to Serbia.
Services, transfers.
Super exclusive.
Ski resorts Kopaonik, Stara Planina, Zlatibor from 780 EUR per week with flight!
Flight to Nis on 28.12 - 04.01, 04.01 - 11.0, 11.01 - 18.01
Christmas tour to the castle of Fantast.
How to get there
By car on the Belgrade - Nis road and further 60 km to Soko-Banya. The nearest airport is in Nis.
tickets Search in Nis (nearest the a / c to Soko Banja)
Treatment in Soko Banja
Medical Center of the resort is equipped with modern facilities, there are X-ray room, laboratory, department for respiratory and general locomotion rehabilitation. In the semi-intensive care it is organized, enabling rapid diagnosis and successful treatment.
Diagnostics includes ECG, spirometry with bronhodiletatornym test, body-test, KPV, analysis of blood gases, biochemical and microbiological research, allergic study X-rays. Therapeutic department: hand massage, underwater massage, paraffin, inhalation of radon water with medications or without drugs, respiratory therapy, hydrotherapy, oxygen therapy, locomotor physiotherapy
factors of treatment. Sources of thermal water with a temperature of +28 . +45 ° C, radon . Medical indications: diseases of the respiratory organs children and adults (bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and gradually sharpens, bronhoekstazy, emphysema, sinusitis), rheumatic diseases, post-traumatic conditions, chronic w nekologicheskie disease, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuroses, stress syndrome, "manager disease", mental and physical exhaustion, light forms of hypertension . Special programs: "School for asthmatics" school withdrawal from smoking and Recreation .