March 1
Weather in Seoul Partly cloudy, light rain

+7 ° C in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night, FROMwater

2nd of March
Weather in Seoul Clear

+8 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 3rd
Weather in Seoul Overcast, rain

+4 ° С in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 4
Weather in Seoul Mainly cloudy

+1 ° C in the afternoon, -4 ° С at night, FROMwater

5th of March
Weather in Seoul Clear

+3 ° C in the afternoon, -6 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 6
Weather in Seoul Mainly cloudy

+6 ° C in the afternoon, -3 ° C at night, FROMwater

March 7
Weather in Seoul Clear

+9 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 8
Weather in Seoul Clear

+11 ° C in the afternoon, -3 ° C at night, FROMwater

9th of March
Weather in Seoul Clear

+8 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

10th of March
Weather in Seoul Clear

+11 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

11th of March
Weather in Seoul Partly cloudy, light rain

+9 ° C in the afternoon, +4 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 12
Weather in Seoul Clear

+10 ° C in the afternoon, +1 ° C at night, FROMwater

March 13
Weather in Seoul Clear

+11 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

Weather in Seoul
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Weather in Seoul by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +0 +3 +9 +17 +22 +27 +29 +30 +25 +19 +11 +3
at night-10-7 -2 +5 +11 +16 +21 +22 +15 +7 +0 -6