Add a review of the Barcelona Maritime Museum

Not far from Rambla and the Columbus Monument, next to the Barcelona Harbor, stands the original building of one of the most popular museums in Barcelona - the Maritime Museum building . We will not dissemble, saying that this museum is worthy of yours attention . It contains exhibits from a regular fishing boat to modern liners, and a special pride of the Maritime Museum is the collection of old ships . Also among the expositions of the museum are figures that adorned the noses of ships, a collection of instruments for m and naval maps of the whole world, the captain's cabin and the sailors' cabin, diving equipment and many other interesting things. . After a walk to the Maritime Museum, every visitor who is not even indifferent to the history of the navigation business will remain satisfied .

Useful information

Address: Barselona, ​​Avinguda Drassanes

Working hours: 10:00 - 20:00

Entrance: 6, 50 EUR

@ Maritime Museum
 Royal Ship, Maritime Museum of Barcelona  Maritime Museum of Barcelona
Royal Ship, Maritime Museum s
 Barcelona One of the halls, Maritime Museum of Barcelona Maritime Museum of Barcelona  Maritime Museum of Barcelona Maritime Museum of Barcelona Maritime Museum of Barcelona
One of the halls, Maritime Museum of Barcelona