Diving, sport fishing, water sports and relaxed beach vacation - this is the list of things a wealthy stranger can do on the beautiful Mafia. With all this, the Mafia can be described as Zanzibar 30 years ago. There are still few hotels here, some beaches are simply deserted, and the tourism infrastructure is still developing and developing.

Mafia is the main island of the eponymous archipelago, which consists of many small islets. It's hard to believe, but back in the 1820s the history of the archipelago was truly "wild": the town of Kua, which is on the island of Dzhuani, was attacked by Madagascar man-eaters Sakalava. Today you can not see such a thing on the Mafia, but the color and identity of this archipelago still do not hold.

The most popular beach on the island - not far from Cholet bay, a favorite place for divers. There are 5 large hotel complexes, one lodge and several apartments. Most of them have created their own beaches for their guests, cutting out mangrove sites and equipping these paradise sandy beaches with all that they need.

The flight from Dar es Salaam lasts 40 minutes


  • 1 Search air tickets to the city of Dar es Salaam (the closest a / p to the Mafia)
  • 2 Transport Mafia
  • 3 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Mafia
  • 4 Diving and fishing on the Mafia
    • 4.1 We also recommend

Search for tickets to the city of Dar es Salaam (the closest a / n to the Mafia)

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Transport of the Mafia

There are no buses or taxis on the island, the only type of public transport here are the traditional dhow boats. In addition, several jeeps can be rented here (in the lodges or large hotels) and bicycles (~ 12 USD per day).

Mafia entertainment, excursions and attractions

The island is famous for the ancient ruins of Kua, where mosques of the 14th century are preserved. Also very impressive are the ancient basins of coral rocks. On one of the islands of the archipelago - Cholet - live amazing bats-giants, eating fruits. In addition, you can make an excursion to the island of Gibondo, where local artisans make traditional dhow boats.

Diving and fishing at the Mafia

Best Diving in the Mafia - at depths of less than 30 meters. Excellent condition and a wide variety of reefs made it possible to create here the first marine reserve in Tanzania, named "Mariner's Park of the Mafia Island". Anyone who is not too short sighted can easily see more than 50 species of coral and 400 species of fish here

The most popular beach on the island - not far from Cholet bay, a favorite place for divers. Here are built 5 large hotel complexes, one lodge and several apartments

The most popular among the divers is Chole Bay. The sea here is almost always calm, and visibility depends on the wind and tides. Typically, during low tides, visibility is worse - many organic and mineral suspensions are rising in the water.

The fishing season for deep-sea fish on the island lasts from August to March. Here you can catch barracuda, flying fish, tuna, marlin. Photo of the Mafia (11)