Pemba is located 50 km to the north of Zanzibar and is also famous for its extensive spice plantations. The same strait, separating the island from the continent, is considered the best place for deep-sea fishing: the catch here is the richest in East Africa. Beautiful reefs and a diverse underwater world are attached.

Most of the island is not suitable for beach holidays, but those areas that have turned into equipped beaches are considered one of the best in the country. The most famous beach is from white coral sand of Vumavimbi, stretching for 2 km. The island itself is not very popular in terms of tourism - the entire infrastructure is in a somewhat "embryonic state", there are also few hotels. But what is there is not to be taken away: wild uncharted places, rain forests, native villages, beautiful nature and the underwater world.

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Between the three main cities of the island, shuttle buses run. There is no taxi, but you can rent a jeep in Chuckie Chake (Chake Chake, the only airport on the island that accepts flights from Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam). The best way to travel around Pemba is by bike, which can be rented at almost every hotel.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Pemba

10 km from Chaki-Chaki are the ruins of the ancient fortifications of Pugini, which date back to the 15th century. Here, an underground tomb was excavated with bizarre wall decorations. Also interesting is Cape Ras Mkumbu, where archaeologists have found the remains of an ancient 11th-century Swahili settlement.

The primeval forest of Ngezi with lush vegetation, giant trees and ferns. On the eastern shore of the island are archaeological excavations and the baobab forest of Misheveni. Another entertainment in the ethnic style is a walk on the dhow (a wooden boat with a triangular oblique sail) or cake over bays or to small islands with barbecue from lobsters, fruits and spices.

Underwater world of Pemba

Diving at Pemba

Pemba is a real dive treasure trove of Tanzania. The main dive sites of the island are located on the east coast, because the reefs here are more beautiful, and the marine life is more diverse. You can order dives or safaris from Swahili Divers or Manta Reef operators who also organize courses and issue PADI and BSAC certificates. Here you can find: gruperov, fish-pipe, fusiliers, bees-eyes, giant barracudas and hammerheads. In 1969, the Greek merchant ship Paraportiani sank not far from the island. Here there are crabs, corals and galls.

The most popular dive site is Mant Point, where you can see flocks of stingrays .Depth of immersion 10 m, visibility - 40 m .The large flat reef of Samaki is famous for its beautiful coral and extremely rich underwater fauna: lobsters, octopuses and moray eels, fish-surgeons and fusiliers .In addition, on the western shore of divers waiting for coral gardens, a stunning drift-dive can be found in the marine reserve around the island of Misali (Misali) .Also near this island there is the reef "Big Blue", which is especially interesting for experienced divers: great depth, strong undercurrent, excellent visibility and reef sharks, barracuda, giant rays .Interesting and unusual Makarere reef on the south-western border of Misali, which is a group of coral hills with densely populated underwater world .In addition, from July to August, humpback whales migrate past the island . Photos of Pemba (13)