Selous is the largest protected area in Africa, located in the Rufiji river basin and occupies more than 5% of the country's territory. In the southern part of the reserve there are safaris with hunting, in the season from July to November about 500 people come here. The northern part, intended only for photo hunting, is visited annually by more than 3500 tourists from all over the world.

How to get to Selousa

By plane:

Several runways are equipped on the territory of the reserve, capable of taking light-engine aircraft. Airbags are tied to a particular camp or group of camps. Flights are operated by Coastal Aviation (daily direct flights from Dar es Salaam, Arushi, Tarangire, Manyara, Ruakhi), ZanAir (daily flights from Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar), Safari AirLink (charter flights). The flight time from Dar es Salaam takes about an hour and a half (250 km). Flights are not carried out in April and May, when most of the camps are closed.

By car:

Entry to the reserve territory is possible only on cars with 4WD four-wheel drive. There are two entrances to the territory of the park: the Mtemere Gate checkpoint, located in the east of the territory near the Rufiji River, next to the Mtemere Airstrip runway and the Rufiji River Camp camps, Impala Camp, Selous Safari Camp. The distance from Dar es Salaam is about 240 km, the journey time is 7-8 hours.

The second entrance is the Matambwe Gate checkpoint. It is located in the north of the territory, next to the Mtemere Airstrip runway and the TAZARA railway stations. The distance from Dar es Salaam is 350 km, the journey time is about 8 hours

checkpoints are only open during the daytime from 6:00 to 18:00. The distance between the entrances is 75 km (2 hours drive), the road is in good condition, strewn with gravel.

By train:

On the northern outskirts of the national park is the TAZARA railway line that connects Tanzania and Zambia. Trains from Dar es Salaam depart twice a week. On the territory of the reserve there are stations Kinyanguru, Fuga and Matambwe. Trains are perhaps the most uncomfortable way to get to the reserve, but the cheapest way. The cost of a first-class ticket is one way ~ 10 USD.

In case of an individual visit to the reserve (not a group tour with accommodation in lodges), tourists are charged: for a stay at the campsite ~ 20 USD per person per day, in camps - 40 USD. For the entry of a jeep weighing from 2 tons ~ 150 USD, plus 30 USD per person.
Parks of Tanzania


The most favorable time for visiting the park is the winter season from June to October, when the temperature is +25 ° C. The rainy season lasts from November to May, dry enough in January and February. The temperature during this period is + 30..35 ° С. From the end of March to May, the season of torrential rains, many camps at this time stop their work.

Selous hotels

You can stop at Selous in lodges (campgrounds) or two campsites . All camps have a similar structure, conditions residence and daily routine . They include: registration house, restaurant, several guest tents, servants' houses . Tourists live in double tents, most often with shower and bathroom . Electricity except lighting is not available; food in the restaurant through the "buffet" system . The camps are guarded by the Masai who serve and escort travelers to the camp at night .

Electricity for recharging phones, photo and video equipment is usually included from 18:00 until 23:00. At 11 pm electricity, including lighting, is turned off

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Selousa

Selous is represented almost all species of animals in equatorial Africa and a large number of bird species. Here there is a record number of buffalo (from 110 to 160 thousand heads), 40 thousand hippos, 3-4 thousand lions, and about 60 thousand elephants. Almost everywhere in the reserve you can see a large number of giraffes, antelope impala, wildebeest, yellow baboons and macaques, warthogs. Near the water, in addition to the hippopotamus, live crocodiles, individual individuals that reach five meters long. In addition, there are more than 440 species of birds in the reserve.

From the cultural sites it is worth noting: the grave of Frederick Selous (a couple of kilometers east of the Beho Beho camp), the tomb of Alexander Keith Johnston and the hot springs of Maji Moto (kilometers to the west of Lake Tagalala, two kilometers south of the Tagalala camp site.)

 Hippos, Selous, Tanzania  Selus
Behemoths, Selous
 Lljata, Selous, Tanzania  Selus
Lljata, Selus
 Leopard with booty, Selous, Tanzania  Selous
Leopard with mining, Selous
 Selous, Tanzania  Selous
 Elephant, Selous, Tanzania  Selous
Elephant, Selus