Zanzibar is a whole archipelago with the same main island, located northeast of Dar es Salaam, 35 km from the coast. The main advantages of this resort are a rich and diverse cultural heritage, carefully preserved coast, the cleanest coastal waters and many kinds of marine animals. The best beaches are located in the south-east of the island, and entertainment and nightlife are in the north.

The capital of the island is Stone Town

Once this island was the abode of romantic tourists with tents and backpacks. Now on the coast lined hotels from medium to high level, and young travelers live mainly in the northern part of Zanzibar
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  • 1 How to get to Zanzibar
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to the city of Dar es Salaam (the nearest airport to Zanzibar)
  • 2 Beaches of Zanzibar
  • 3 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Zanzibar
  • 4 Climate Zanzibar
  • 5 Diving in Zanzibar
    • 5.1 Also we recommend

How to get to Zanzibar

There are no direct flights to Zanzibar. It is most convenient to fly first with Emirates through Dubai to the capital of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, from where to Zanzibar for 15 minutes, the tiny planes of the "cornice" system are ridden.

The search for air tickets to the city of Dar es Salaam (the nearest airport to Zanzibar )

Beaches of Zanzibar

In Zanzibar - white, clean sandy beaches, along which there are picturesque fishing villages . Not far from the capital are the beaches of Fuji and Chuini with a rich choice of water sports, and to the north there is a very quiet and secluded beach Mangapvani . At the northern end of the island near the town Ungui can be swim in the beautiful coral lagoons . On the north-eastern coast of Zanzibar there are the beaches of Matenwe, Mapenzi, Kiwenga and Uroa, long ago chosen by divers . Other good beaches, Pingwe, Breuu and Jambiani, are located on the southeast coast . There guests from the north can practice water sports and fishing, as well as idly watch the work of local fishermen .

Zanzibar's entertainment, excursions and attractions

The capital of Zanzibar - founded by Arab traders back in the 9th century Stone Town , one of himself s impressive places on the coast . This chaotic cluster of winding streets with lots of shops, bazaars, mosques, yards and fortresses . The city is decorated with two former palaces of sultans, two huge cathedrals, colonial mansions, abandoned ancient Persian baths and a whole collection of quaint buildings of foreign consulates . Near the city are the ruins of several palaces, the "cave of slaves" Mangapwani and the unique forest of Hosani . On the "Island of the Turtles" tourists will have a unique opportunity to look at the luxury s copies of the giant tortoises, which are not found even in the best zoos in the world, and the forest of the island is rich in exotic plants .

From Stone Town depart daily special "spice-tours": after all, once the island spices supplied half the world. During this tour, you can settle on trees a lot in an attempt to tear off the coconut, learn how to plan cinnamon and distinguish the breadfruit from jackfruit, and at the same time try it all.

Zanzibar's climate

 Zanzibar March 1, Sunday
+ 29 ° С in the afternoon
+ 27 ° С at night
° ° water
 Zanzibar March 2, Monday
Cloudy, thunderstorm
+ 29 ° С in the afternoon
+ 27 ° С at night
° ° water
 Zanzibar March 3, Tuesday
+ 29 ° C in the afternoon
+ 27 ° C at night
° C water
Weather forecast in Zanzibar for 10 days
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov @ Dec
in the afternoon + 32 + 32 + 32 + 30 + 28 + 28 + 27 + 28 + 28 + 30 + 31 +31
at night + 24 + 24 + 25 + 25 + 23 + 23 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 23 + 24
water + 28 + 28 + 28 + 27 + 27 + 27 + 26 + 26 + 26 + 27 + 27 + 28

You can go to Zanzibar all year round, but best of all - from June to October: little rain, not hot and cool breeze from the ocean. From October to November and from April to May in Zanzibar, the rainy season

Diving in Zanzibar

The main diving center of Zanzibar is in Stone Town. Of the numerous dive sites on the island, several should be highlighted:

Pange Reef in the west of Zanzibar - maximum depth of 14 m, a wide variety of corals and tropical fish. Ideal for teaching diving in "open water": the sea here is calm and shallow. Night diving will allow you to see crabs, squid, rays and other ocean dwellers who prefer to spend time in the dark.

Diving in Zanzibar

British ship, sunk in 1902 and now a unique artificial reef and home for morays, fish as well as other algae fish. Many parts of the ship can still be seen, others only vaguely guessed under coral layers.

Boribi Reef is one of the best places to dive in Zanzibar. Here are the most beautiful underwater mountains and various corals that have formed over the centuries the resemblance of huge columns. Here you can see big lobsters and white sharks passing by. The maximum depth is 30 meters. Photos of Zanzibar (28)