Tunisia is one of the most popular summer destinations, and in the season the crowded seven-hundred and forty-seven Boeing tourists, packed full of tourists from Russia, regularly sit on the runways of its airports. There are nine airports in Tunisia, but Russian flights land in only four of them. The remaining five airports take on board the domestic airlines, as well as a few charters and "regulars" from Europe - primarily France.

Tunisia's largest airports:

  • Anfida

Tunis-Carthage Airport

Europe's main Tunisian airport - the capital Tunis-Carthage, or, in translation, Tunisia-Carthage. The ruins of the great civilization of antiquity are really just a couple of kilometers from its territory. It is Tunis-Cartage that accepts most of the regular flights from Europe, Africa and the Middle East. From Russia, the sides of the national carrier Tunisair are landing here, as well as a certain number of charters in summer.

Tunis-Cartage is located 8 km from the center of the capital and 15 km from the Gammarth resort area. The nearest resort of Hammamet is about an hour's drive along the main motorway of the country - the Trans-African Highway.

Despite the considerable age (the airport has existed since the time of the French protectorate), Tunisia Cartage is diligently maintained at the modern level: fully equipped with teletraps, boasts good shops free dinners and amenities for passengers

Anfida-Hammamet Airport

Newly arrived in the "family" of Tunisian airports, Enfida-Hammamet opened its doors for passengers and the runway for aircraft in early 2011. It was built by the Turkish company TAV from scratch - for construction, they chose a vast open space near the coastline about halfway between Hammamet and Suss. This is why it is the most convenient and modern airport in Tunisia, from which it is equally convenient to reach almost all the resorts of the country.

Enfida-Hammamet is ambitiously positioned as the main air gateway to Africa, but for the time working mainly on charter loading, accepting "jumbo jets" "And large" airbuses ". Most Russian charterers land here. The distance to Hammamet is 48 km (40 minutes on the way), to Sussa - about 30 km (half an hour on the road).

Enfida Airport is the most convenient for passengers compared to other airports in the country. It is very spacious, with good infrastructure and good opportunities for recreation in anticipation of the flight. Duty free is extensive, you can buy both Tunisian national products and European cosmetics, perfumes, drinks and leather goods

Website: www.enfidhahammametairport.com

Monastir Habib Bourguiba Airport

Once a hardworking worker, and now the "old man" who has retired to the deserved pension, the airport of the city of Monastir, bearing the name of the local native, the first president of the country, Habib Bourguiba, is small, cramped and decadly dilapidated. Turkish operator TAV took it into circulation and tries to maintain it on a decent level for reception and sending of European tourists level, however there has never been a global reconstruction.

And today the airport of Monastir accepts charters, mainly from Russia and Eastern Europe, and also insignificant the number of French, German and Arab "regulars." The facilities at the airport are rather rudimentary: there are no tewrepps, and arriving passengers are forced to crouch down with the hand luggage on the usual gangway, being lapped by salty sea and hot African winds.

One of the few "chips" of the Monastir airport is artificial lakes for salt evaporation , neat squares surrounding its territory. In winter, pink flamingos live here, and the landing turns into a real exotic adventure. In summer, you can see numerous white herons.

Habib Bourguiba Airport, nevertheless, it is convenient for arrivals for tourists, holidaymakers in Monastir, Sousse and Mahdia. For Mahdia this is the most suitable option - the airport and the resort are only 48 km apart and the transfer lasts about 40 minutes

Website: www.monastirairport.com

Djerba Airport

The southernmost tourist airport of Tunis is called Djerba -Zarzis on the two nearest toponyms - the island of Djerba and the resort town of Zarzis in the mainland . "Relationships" with flights from Russia from him, so to speak, strained - the domestic tourist flow to the island is not so great, and charters for Djerba are then put, then canceled . In high season from June to September, how right lo, runs one flight every ten days, and then from Peter .In the rest of the year, there is nothing left for principled lovers of rest on Djerba, how to agree to a long transfer from Anfida or Monastir .

Djerba-Zarzis - the airport is not new: it was open before Tunisia gained independence. Its main loading is European charters (the island is especially popular with the French) and a small proportion of the European regulars during the year. The French, the British and the Germans are the main contingent of Djerba Airport. Duty free is very modest here, and the amenities are just as much as necessary for the airport's operation.

In May, airplanes with pilgrims from Israel landed on the Lah-Baomer Festival at Djerba Airport, celebrating the famous Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai in the ancient synagogue La -Griba

Regional airports

Five regional airports in Tunisia serve mainly the board of domestic airlines of the carrier "Sevenair", the local unit of "Tunisair."

Tozezer-Neft Airport accepts European charters and a small amount "Regulars." Here tourists come tending to get acquainted with the wonders of the Tunisian south - the Sahara desert, the actual capital of the Jerida date region, the town of Tozer, mountain oases, salt lakes and majestic canyons. It can also be reached by domestic flights from Tunis-Carthage, capital city.

The main air gates of the second largest city of Tunisia Sfax are named for the ancient settlement of Tina, located here in the Phoenician era. The sides of the French regional carriers and internal lines of Sevenair arrive here

Tabarca-Ain Draham Airport also operates mainly on French regional lines, and also takes flights from the nearest Algeria (from here to the border no more than 20 km), Morocco and Libya. Local tourists land in Tabarku to enjoy the beauties of the coral reef, hunt wild boars in the forests of Ain Draham and improve their health on the thermal springs of Mount Krumiri

Airports of Gafsa and Gabes take a few domestic flights