To read 2 feedbacks about the Agora and the temple of Tuha
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In the old town of Side there is a very interesting building, the Agora. So in ancient Greece was called the largest of the market areas: there were going to meetings, there was trade. There were tents, temples, special rooms for artisans and much more. And around the perimeter of Agora fenced off from the city a small fence - exactly as we see it now in the markets.

The Agora in Side is an area of ​​90 meters, the date of construction is the second century. There were trading rows here, but, naturally, they did not survive: only the foundation remained of them.

The Agora in Side is an area of ​​90 meters, the date of construction is the second century.

In our time there were only the foundations of the premises that served the shopping arcade, and the premises for the merchants themselves. These rows are in the form of the letter "P", the free side was near the Roman Theater.

Agora Commercial

From the west there was a special exit, he led to the street. At the same time, the shops near the shopping arcades were made as follows: some went outside, others went to the square.

In the heyday of the Roman Empire on the Agora, almost everything could be bought: from clothing and food products to slaves.

To understand what used to exist in the center of the Agora, archaeologists were helped by a coin with the image of a trading area: here was the building of the temple of the goddess of fortune Tyuhe. The roof of the temple was made in the form of a pyramid, which had 12 sides. On the roof found the image of Sagittarius, Scorpio and other signs of the zodiac.

If you really want to look at the landmark of the Agora, which has reached our days practically unchanged, then it is worth paying attention to the so-called latrine, or toilet. It was a semicircular hall with marble, which was faced with walls. It is curious that of all that remained in the Agora, the most likely was a public toilet, and for 24 people.

But that's not all: the Agora trading had access to the city, with the walls of Philip Attiya. The urban agora, made in the form of a square, was smaller in area. Apparently, because only urban issues were solved here, but one thing is clear from the trade destination of the area: slaves were traded here.

The whole complex of the Agora is included in the so-called "fields of ruins". The rest is the Byzantine basilica and library. All these buildings belong to the ancient Side, where you can study the history of the Roman Empire.
Agora, Side Agora and the Tuha temple
Temple of Tycho, Side Agora and the Tuha temple
Temple of Tycho

Reviews about the Agora and the temple of Tych (2)

Evaluation 9

Two agora and partially restored temple. July 10, 2014

was here in June 2014
Almost all the excursions organized by travel agencies consist of stops at Nymphaeum and Column Street, a passage to the commercial agora and a complex of buildings dedicated to the emperor Vespasian, stay in the archaeological museum and in the amphitheater.
Remaining such notable places as the state or city agora, the temples of Apollo and Athens, the episcopal palace with the basilica, I do not even mention the Great and Port Baths, the wall of Philip Attiya and the library, etc.
Of course, ... Read the full review
Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple
Evaluation 9

Two agora and partially restored temple. July 10, 2014

was here in June 2014
Almost all the excursions organized by travel agencies consist of stops at Nymphaeum and Column Street, a passage to the commercial agora and a complex of buildings dedicated to the emperor Vespasian, stay in the archaeological museum and in the amphitheater.
Remaining such notable places as the state or city agora, the temples of Apollo and Athens, the episcopal palace with the basilica, I do not even mention the Great and Port Baths, the wall of Philip Attiya and the library, etc.
Of course, ... Read the full review
Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple Agora and the Tuha temple