Add a review about the Archaeological Museum in Izmir

Izmir with its turbulent history at 8500 years saw a lot of powerful civilizations, and in its Archaeological Museum collected an excellent collection of evidence of the past eras . This is one of the first museums in Western Anatolia . It was founded in 1924 . and opened to the public in 1927 ., and at its present place in Konak the museum has been working since 1984 . The collection contains artifacts found by archaeologists during excavations in various places of the region - in Bayrakli (ancient Smyrna), Ephesus, Pergamon, Mileet, Af Rhodesia, Theos, Jasos and T . . The museum's expositions are located on three floors of the building and in the garden in the open air . In addition, at the Archaeological Museum (in a nearby building with a round tower built in 1931 . @) is located a small ethnographic museum, and you can visit both one ticket - it's profitable and convenient .

Especially beautiful are diadems, gold and silver jewelry with precious and semiprecious stones of the Hellenic and Roman periods ..

On the ground floor, right in the main hall, you can see a beautiful mosaic with animals and flowers which looks best from the balustrade of the second floor . Pictures are lined with pebbles and glass . Immediately behind the hall begins the gallery of stone products - marble statues, busts, portraits and masks that belong to the Hellenic (330-30years . BC @ . . e) and romance (30 g BC . . . e - 295 g of n . . . e) periods . In a glass case at the entrance to the hall you can see a variety of figurines of the Anatolian goddess-mother of Kibela . Among the most impressive statues of the exposition one can mention the Romanesque priest from Halicarnassus, two Hellenic girls from the Met ropolis, the statue of Androkl, the legendary founder of Efes .

The top floor is occupied by the gallery of ceramics . Here you can find numerous archaeological finds from prehistoric times (Neolithic and Bronze Age) to the Byzantine era . The Gallery is named after Professor Ekrem Akurgal, one of the most deserved archeologists of the country . Here you can see not only utensils for everyday use, but also art objects . Very interesting products created in the 7-5 centuries before . e . with the images on their figures and skits, according to You can make out an idea of ​​social life, beliefs, customs, art and even cooking . Other periods presented in the gallery are Mycenaean, Geometric, Corinthian, Oriental, Antique, Hellenic, Romance and Byzantine . Among the exhibits are vases , funeral urns, glass vessels, masks and figurines. . Special attention should be paid to the stunning vessel from Bayrakli, which depicts the wedding ceremony of King Menelaus and the beautiful Helen of Troy. . Also worth looking out is the section of terracotta sarcophagi with color geometric patterns .

Of particular importance is the section of bronze products. Since bronze could be melted and used again and again, only a few such objects have survived to this day. This is, for example, the Hellenic bronze statue of an athlete from Kima and the bronze bust of Demetra, found by the sponge catcher in the sea near Bodrum.

On one floor with a gallery of ceramics is a treasure chest. Here you can see ancient coins, glass vessels, including vials for perfume and jewelry archaic, classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic periods. Especially beautiful tiaras, gold and silver jewelry with precious and semi-precious stones of the Hellenic and Roman periods.

In the garden of the museum exhibits a variety of artifacts that belong to different historical periods. These are sarcophagi, stelae, statues, long friezes, capitals of columns of various warrants. Of particular interest is a long frieze with reliefs, which depict garlands of fruit and a variety of men's and women's heads - it dates from the 2nd century BC. e. and brought from Aphrodisias.

Practical information The museum is located in the heart of the city, at the Residence, and it is very easy to walk away from Konak Square. From the main bus station leads the path directly to the museum gate

Address: Halit Rıfat Pasa Caddesi, 4, Konak.

Working time: in winter: 8:00 - 17:00, in summer: 8:30 - 19:00 daily , except Monday.

Input: 10 TRL (November 2014).